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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Spicy Garlic Broccoli with Pine Nuts

Adapted from A Spoonful of Ginger by Nina Simonds

Makes 6 servings


1½ pounds broccoli

¼ cup pine nuts

1½ teaspoons canola or corn oil

1½ teaspoons toasted sesame oil

1 teaspoon hot chili paste or ¾ teaspoon crushed dried chilies

2 tablespoons minced garlic

2½ tablespoons rice wine or sake, mixed with 2 tablespoons water


1 tablespoon reduced sodium-soy sauce

1 teaspoon sugar


1. Trim the ends of the broccoli, separate the florets, peel the outer skin of the stem and cut it on the diagonal into 1-inch lengths.

2. Toast the pine nuts until golden in a 300°F oven, turning them occasionally so that they cook evenly for about 20 minutes.

3. Heat a wok or large skillet, add the oils, and heat until hot, about 20 seconds. Add the chili paste or crushed chilies and garlic, and stir-fry, tossing with a slotted spoon over medium heat until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Turn the heat to high.

4. Add the stem sections of the broccoli and stir-fry. Pour in the rice wine and water and cook, tossing, about 30 seconds, then cover and cook about 1½ to 2 minutes, until the stems are just tender. Add the florets and toss over high heat, cooking for about 1½ minutes or until just tender.

5. Add the premixed sauce and toss lightly for 15 seconds. Add the toasted pine nuts and stir-fry a few seconds to combine the ingredients. Scoop the ingredients into a serving bowl and serve immediately.

Per Serving: Calories 90; Total Fat 6 g; Sat Fat 1 g; Protein 4 g; Carbs 8 g; Fiber 4 g; Cholesterol 0 mg; Sodium 125 mg.

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