My Other Blogs

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Serves 4

For the sauce:
... 1 - 2 large onions, roughly chopped
1 tablespoon oil
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 green chilli, chopped (you can use more if you like your food spicy & hot)
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1/2 litre of water
1 tablespoon ground coriander/koljana
1 tablespoon ground cumin/jeera
1 teaspoon turmeric/borrie
Salt to taste

For the chicken & veg:
500g chicken breasts, washed & diced up
2 tablespoons of oil
1/2 red pepper, roughly chopped
1/2 green pepper, roughly chopped
1 large onion, sliced roughly
2 red chillis (optional)
1 teaspoon ground cumin/jeera
1 teaspoon ground coriander/koljana
1 teaspoon turmeric/borrie
2 teaspoons garam masala
A handful of fresh, chopped dhanya leaves

Mix the jeera, koljana and tumeric in a small bowl, coat the chopped chicken breast pieces leave to marinade while you making the sauce.
Now make the sauce, fry the roughly chopped onions with the garlic and green chilli in a large saucepan with the tablespoon of oil until browned.
Add the water to the onion mixture and simmer this for around 20 minutes.
While that is simmering, put the chopped tomatoes in a food processor or liquidiser and give it a good whizz until smooth consistency.
Heat another large pan and gently fry the ground coriander, cumin and turmeric in a splash of oil for about a minute take care not too overheat or it will burn.
Add the liquidised tomato to this pan and simmer for around 10 minutes. (Because my family loves potatoes I added a couple of potatoes, quarted,
with the onion mixture when it was simmering whilst I prepared the chicken.)
Next give your onion mixture a good whizz in the food processor or liquidiser and add it to the spiced tomato sauce.
Stir and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes. Keep warm.

Fry the marinaded chicken in oil and stir continuously. When the chicken is nearly done approximately 10 -15 minutes,
turn down the heat and add the roughly chopped onion, red & green peppers and chillis. Stir this until the onions and pepper soften just a bit
and the chicken is cooked, of course. Don't overcook as we don't want the onions and peppers to cook away (I like mine to be firm and crunchy)
Add the earlier prepared sauce to the cooked chicken and simmer until combined about 5-10 minutes.
Just before you dish it up, stir in the garam masala and chopped dhanya leaves.
Serve with basmati rice or naan bread.

Because my family loves potatoes I added a couple of potatoes, quarted, with the onion mixture when it was simmering whilst I prepared the chicken

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