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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spicy Coconut Scraps (biscuits) & Eet Sum More Biscuits

Spicy Coconut Scraps (biscuits) & Eet Sum More Biscuits

Second from left
Makes 40 biscuits, depending on size of cookie cutter
250g soft butter or margarine (at room temperature)
¼ cup cooking oil
1 egg
1 cup sugar
500g self raising flour
2 cups desiccated coconut
1 level teaspoon baking powder
15ml ground cardamom
5ml ground ginger (powder)
5ml ground cinnamon
5ml ground naartjie (Satsuma) peel, optional

Cream the butter, sugar, eggs and oil in a large mixing bowl.
Add in the flour, coconut, baking powder, spices and mix to a fairly stiff dough.
Roll out to about 5mm thickness, scrape the top with a fork for a rough surface.
To prevent the dough sticking to the rolling pin cover the dough with a piece of cling film and roll over the cling film.
Cut into shapes using a cooking cutter.
To give the biscuits a nice golden brown glace lightly dip the top of the biscuits in a plate of sugar before placing it on a baking sheet. (I never grease my baking sheets but you could line your baking sheet with a layer of grease proof (parchment) paper to prevent your biscuits from sticking to the baking tray.
Decorate with glace cherries.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from the baking tray and cool on a wire rack

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