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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cinnamon Dumplings ( Sous kluitjies)



I always make more sauce with this recipe.




• 120 g (215 ml) cake flour

• 10 ml baking powder

• 1 ml salt

• 15 ml butter

• 1 egg

• 125 ml milk

• 2,5 ml ground nutmeg

• 15 ml sugar

• 15 ml butter





• 5 ml butter

• 30 ml sugar

• 2 ml ground cinnamon




Sift flour, baking powder and salt together into a mixing bowl.


Rub butter into the mixture until it looks like breadcrumbs.


Whisk egg and milk together and add to the flour mixture.


Mix well until a stiff dough is formed.


Leave for 15 minutes.


Put 500 ml water into a saucepan and add a pinch of salt.


Bring to the boil and then reduce heat to a very low point.


Spoon tablespoonsful of dough into water and put the lid on. (Don't put too many in the saucepan at the same time.)


Boil 8-10 minutes.


Mix the 15 ml sugar and 2,5 ml cinnamon to make cinnamon sugar.


Remove dumplings from water, place in bowl and sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top.


Dot with 15 ml butter.



Make the syrup: Add 5 ml butter, 30 ml sugar and 2 ml cinnamon to the water in which the dumplings were boiled.

Pour the syrup over the dumplings and serve immediately.


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