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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Peppadew Dip



Serves 2 cups




•             ¼ cup peppadews (pickled)

•             ¼ cup oil packed sundried tomatoes

•             ¼ cup roasted red peppers

•             2 cloves garlic

•             ¼ cup mayo

•             1 8 oz. (250g)  package cream cheese

•             juice from half a lemon





Place first four ingredients in the food processor and puree (feel free to leave it chunky if you prefer- would also be pretty tasty this way . . .)


Add the rest of the ingredients and whir whir whir. Done.


Spoon into a bowl and serve with sliced baguette or pita, chips, crudités, or anything your dipping heart desires.


Alternatively, pipe the dip into pepadews and serve "Peppadew stuffed Peppadews."


What is cuter than that?


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