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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Walnut marshmallow whips

Walnut marshmallow whips ~ Expresso Show and Selati

Makes 12


500g milk or dark baking chocolate, melted plus extra

2 ½  tsp powdered gelatine

¾ cup cold water, divided

½ cup Selati white sugar

¼ cup glucose syrup

Pinch of salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

12 whole walnut halves


    Brush the melted chocolate into the bottom of 12 round silicone or chocolate moulds to form a chocolate cup. Leave a little chocolate over for finishing. You could also use foil cupcake wrappers to do this. Allow to set until firm.
    Make the marshmallow by sprinkling the gelatine over half a cup of cold water. Set aside.
    Combine the remaining water, sugar, syrup and salt in a saucepan and set over medium heat.
    Dissolve the sugar making sure there is no unwanted granules left that will make the syrup crystallize. Cook till the syrup reaches 118 C on a sugar thermometer. Remove from heat.
    Gradually pour the hot syrup over the softened gelatin mixture. Using a stand up mixer beat for about 6 minutes or until thick. Add the vanilla.
    Quickly put in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle tip. Pipe the mixture into the chocolate cups. To finish off, pour the remaining chocolate over the marshmallow, to seal the walnut whip.
    When the chocolate is completely set, turn them over. Use the remaining chocolate as a “glue” to stick the walnut on top of each.


500g milk or dark baking chocolate, melted plus extra
2 ½ tsp powdered gelatine
¾ cup cold water, divided
½ cup Selati white sugar
¼ cup glucose syrup
Pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
12 whole walnut halves


Brush the melted chocolate into the bottom of 12 round silicone or chocolate moulds to form a chocolate cup.
Leave a little chocolate over for finishing.
You could also use foil cupcake wrappers to do this.
Allow to set until firm.
Make the marshmallow by sprinkling the gelatine over half a cup of cold water.
Set aside.
Combine the remaining water, sugar, syrup and salt in a saucepan and set over medium heat.
Dissolve the sugar making sure there is no unwanted granules left that will make the syrup crystallize.
Cook till the syrup reaches 118 C on a sugar thermometer.
Remove from heat.
Gradually pour the hot syrup over the softened gelatin mixture.
Using a stand up mixer beat for about 6 minutes or until thick.
Add the vanilla.
Quickly put in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle tip.
Pipe the mixture into the chocolate cups.
To finish off, pour the remaining chocolate over the marshmallow, to seal the walnut whip.
When the chocolate is completely set, turn them over.
Use the remaining chocolate as a “glue” to stick the walnut on top of each.

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