My Other Blogs

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kahlua Chocolate Banana Nut Bread


2 cups Flour
2/3 cup Cocoa
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 cups Sugar
1 cup Butter
4 Eggs
2 Tbl Kahlua
4-5 Ripe Bananas (mashed)
1 cup (or more) Chopped Walnuts


Preheat oven 350*F/180C
In a bowl, sift dry ingredients together, or blend using a fork.
Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream sugar and butter together.
Add the eggs until well blended.
Add Kahlua and Bananas to the mixture until creamy.
Add and blend in the dry ingredients into the mixture on low until well mixed.
Add chopped walnuts.
Spray 2 loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray and add your dough to pans until half way full.
Bake at 350*F/180C for 55-60 minutes or until toothpick stuck into center of loaf comes out clean.

Makes 2 loaf's

Vicki L Theobald Brearley

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