My Other Blogs

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Prawn salad



Serves 6

Preparation time: 20 min

Cooking time: 10 min





30 ml (2 T) coriander seeds

20 ml (4 t) chilli flakes

500 ml (2 c) good olive oil



125 ml (½ c) water

125 ml (½ c) sugar

juice and rind of 1 lemon

½ cucumber, deseeded and cut into tiny cubes

1 red pepper, roasted, skin removed and cubed

20 ml (4 t) chopped fresh coriander



2 medium-size red tomatoes, cut into eighths and deseeded

3 avocados, peeled and cut into thin semicircles salt and pepper lemon juice

200 g large prawns, shelled and vein removed but retain tails SALAD rocket leaves CORIANDER OIL Toast the coriander seeds and chilli flakes in a dry pan over medium heat until fragrant.

Add the oil and heat until hot. Remove from heat and leave to stand until cold.

Drain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Set aside.



Pour the water into a pot, add the sugar and stir over medium heat until dissolved.

Add the lemon juice and rind, bring to the boil and continue boiling until a little syrupy but not thick (about 7 minutes).

Leave to cool.

Add the cucumber, red pepper and fresh coriander to the syrup and set aside.



Season the tomatoes and avocados with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little lemon juice to prevent discoloration.

Heat a little of the coriander oil and stir-fry the prawns until slightly pink.

Drain on kitchen paper.



Arrange a few rocket leaves and tomato and avocado slices on small plates, top with 2-3 prawns and a good spoonful of dressing.




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