My Other Blogs

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nutella Brownies

I am about to change your life. I am about to make you the happiest person on the planet. I am about to show you how to make brownies with only three ingredients. And I am going to exploit the inherent fantastical properties of Nutella in doing so.

See, Nutella already has fat, milk, and chocolate in it. Since those are the things you would normally be adding to traditional brownies separately, why not use a product that already has these things - and hazelnuts! See, you knew Nutella was amazing. But maybe you didn't realize its full potential. Until today - the day you met three-ingredient  Nutella brownies.

Go. Make these. Now.
1 cup (280g) Nutella
2 eggs
10 tbsp (62g) flour

Put it in a bowl. Mash it up. Pour into a pan or muffin tin. Top with hazelnuts if you're feeling extra fancy. Bake at 350F (180C) for around 30 minutes (less time for cupcake form, more time if the centres aren't baked through).

That's it. You're done. Eat them. Revel. Be amazed.

You're welcome.

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