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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cadbury Bournville Mocha Mousse

A really rich, velvety smooth mousse to serve on special occasions.


4 egg yolks

l25g castor sugar

275ml milk

5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence

10ml (2 tsp) gelatin

20ml (1 Tbs) instant coffee

l00g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

284ml double cream

6 Cadbury Flake's or chocolate decorations

A piping bag and star nozzle 5-6 glasses


Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together well. Heat the milk and essence almost to boiling point, then whisk slowly on to the eggs. Pour into a pan and stir the custard over a low heat until thickened a little, but do not allow it to boil.

Sprinkle gelatin over the hot custard and allow it to dissolve before straining to ensure it is quite smooth. Dissolve the coffee in 2 tablespoons hot water and melt the chocolate in this. Whisk into the custard. Cool before folding in the lightly whipped cream.

Refrigerate until beginning to set, then pipe or spoon the mousse into the glasses. Decorate with Flake or a made chocolate decoration. Serve chilled.

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