My Other Blogs

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cadbury Magical Mousse Dessert


200g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

75g margarine

75g castor sugar

3 eggs, separated

50g ground almonds

25g plain flour

10ml (2 tsps) dry instant coffee

60ml (3 Tbs) Tia Maria liqueur or Coffee liqueur

For the custard topping

1 egg

60ml (3 Tbs) corn flour

50g castor sugar

400ml milk

10ml (2 tsps) gelatin

200g cream cheese

284ml double cream

5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence

A 20cm (8 inch) deep, loose based cake tin greased and base lined


Melt 75g of chocolate with the margarine. Stir in the sugar, egg yolks, nuts and flour; beat until smooth.

Fold in stiffly whisked egg whites.

Turn mixture into the tin, bake at 180°C for 40 minutes until cooked through.

Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons of hot water, add liqueur and soak the

base; cool.

Remove from tin, peel off paper then return to the clean tin.

Make custard with the egg, corn flour, sugar and milk, heating without

boiling. Stir in gelatin whilst hot.

Keep covered in a bowl whilst cooling.

When cold, whisk in cream cheese and the cream, continuing to whisk until quite thick and deliciously creamy.

Halve mixture; add 75g of melted chocolate to one amount and essence to the other.

Place spoonfuls of alternate coloured custards in the tin then swirl through.

Smooth the top, cover with coarsely grated chocolate. Leave in the fridge to set.

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