My Other Blogs

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



250g plain flour
250g self raising flour
... 1 tablespoon sugar
pinch of salf
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
330ml mixture of lukewarm water and milk (1/2 & 1/2)

Preheat the grill to medium.
Mix all the dry ingredients, add the liquid. Knead into a soft dough. To knead the dough, clench your hand into a fist, wet your knuckles with a little water, then press them repeatedly into the dough. Continue pressing and kneading until you have a soft, pliable dough. It should take about ten minutes.

Place the dough in a mixing bowl, cover it with cling film and leave it in a warm place to rise for 10-15 minutes.

Divide the dough into approx 8 balls and place on a floured surface or board. Roll each into a long oval or round shape (depending on preference) about 0.5cm/¼in thick. Don't roll them out too thinly or they'll turn out like crisps.

Place a heavy baking sheet on the upper shelf of the oven to heat.

Sprinkle over your chosen topping and press into the surface of the dough. Place the naans onto the hot baking sheet and grill for just 2-3 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Variation: Add chopped garlic and dhanya before baking

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