My Other Blogs

Monday, December 9, 2013

Excellent Complete Nutrition Smoothie


1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1/4 cup blackberries
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 cup pineapples
1/2 cup oranges
1 cup honey flavored greek yogurt
1 handful spinach and/or kale leaves
1 cup water


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until thoroughly mixed and fluid.

Nutella Brownies

I am about to change your life. I am about to make you the happiest person on the planet. I am about to show you how to make brownies with only three ingredients. And I am going to exploit the inherent fantastical properties of Nutella in doing so.

See, Nutella already has fat, milk, and chocolate in it. Since those are the things you would normally be adding to traditional brownies separately, why not use a product that already has these things - and hazelnuts! See, you knew Nutella was amazing. But maybe you didn't realize its full potential. Until today - the day you met three-ingredient  Nutella brownies.

Go. Make these. Now.
1 cup (280g) Nutella
2 eggs
10 tbsp (62g) flour

Put it in a bowl. Mash it up. Pour into a pan or muffin tin. Top with hazelnuts if you're feeling extra fancy. Bake at 350F (180C) for around 30 minutes (less time for cupcake form, more time if the centres aren't baked through).

That's it. You're done. Eat them. Revel. Be amazed.

You're welcome.


3 koppies gerasperde Cheddarkaas
1 koppie gesnyde ham (in blokkies)
1 koppie rou elmboog macaroni
2 ¼ koppie melk
2 eiers
½ koppie Original Bisquick mengsel = ½ koppie meel, 1 teelepel bakpoeier, 1 eetlepel botter (meng meel en bakpoeier en vryf botter met jou vingers in – dit is bisquick mix)
¼ teelepel sout
Gekapte vars pietersielie (opsioneel)
Verhit oond tot 200 C. Spray 10-duim grootte bak met spray en cook
In groot bak, meng 2 koppies van die kaas, die ham en rou macaroni. Versprei dit in jou bak
Meng die melk en eiers tot glad. Voeg Bisquick mengsel en sout by en meng tot glad. Gooi oor die mengsel in tertbak.
Bak 35 tot 40 minute of tot mes plaas in die middel skoon uitkom. Besprinkel met oorblywende kaas. Plaas terug in die oond en Bak 1 tot 2 minute of langer totdat kaas gesmelt is. Laat staan 10 minute voor bediening. Besprinkel met pietersielie.

Die staantyd is belangrik sodat die gereg kan stol
Vervang die ham met spek stukkies wat reeds gaar gebraai is.

Pumpkin Bobotie

Serves: 6

Prep time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes

2 onions, chopped
30 g butter
1 kg pumpkin, peeled, diced, steamed and drained
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 slices brown bread, crusts trimmed
1¼ cups buttermilk
3 free-range eggs
¼ cup dried apricots, finely chopped
1 apple, peeled and grated
¼ cup seedless raisins
2 T brown sugar
1 T mild curry powder
Bay or lemon leaves
¼ t turmeric

For serving
Brown rice cooked with lentils
Mango atchar or chutney, or both

Cooking instructions:

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Gently cook the onion in the heated butter until meltingly soft and pale golden.

Mash the pumpkin and mix it with the onion.

Season to taste.

Tear the bread into bits and mash it with 65ml (¼ cup) of buttermilk and 1 beaten egg.

Mix with the apricot, apple, raisins, sugar, curry powder, lemon juice, pumpkin and onions, and salt and pepper to taste.

Turn into a buttered baking dish (one large dish or individual dishes), and stud with a few leaves.

Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes. B

eat the remaining 2 eggs with the rest of the buttermilk and the turmeric, and pour over the baked pumpkin.

Bake for 20 minutes or until the topping is set. Serve with brown and lentil rice and mango atchar.

Karamel Melktert

Genoeg vir 10-12 mense
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 15 minute
Afkoeltyd: oornag

250 g Tennis-koekies, fyn gedruk

200 g botter, gesmelt

1,5 L (6 k) melk

200 g suiker

3 eiers

100 g meel

100 g mieliemeelblom

10 ml (2 t) vanielje-ekstrak

50 g botter

ekstra 250 ml (1 k) melk

1 boksie (90 g) karamel-kitspoeding

250 ml (1 k) room

1 blik (360 g) karamelkondensmelk

1 blok (90 g) melksjokolade

1 Meng die koekies met die gesmelte botter en druk dit in die bodem van 'n diep, vierkantige 30 cm-bak vas. Laat koel af tot benodig.

2 Verhit 1 L (4 k) van die melk met die suiker 10 minute in 'n groot mikrogolfbestande bak.

3 Klits die eiers, oorblywende 500 ml (2 k) melk, meel, mieliemeelblom en vanielje-ekstrak in 'n ander bak tot glad.

4 Meng die meelmengsel met die warm melk en mikrogolf 12 minute terwyl jy elke 2 minute roer tot die mengsel dik is. Klits die botter in en laat afkoel.

5 Klits die ekstra melk en kitspoeding saam. Klits die room in 'n ander bak tot sagte pieke vorm en vou dit by die kitspoeding in.

6 Wanneer die vla afgekoel het, begin met die lae. Giet die vla oor die afgekoelde koekielaag, maak die karamelkondensmelk oor die vla glad en voeg dan die kitspoedingmengsel by. Rasper die sjokolade oor en verkoel oornag.




Voer broodpan, 21×11 cm uit met kleefpapaier en spuit met kossproei. ...
Breek 2 pakkies Tennis/Marie koekies in stukkies.
Roer 1 k cherries, deurgesny, by en 60 gr vrugtekoekmengsel en ook 50 gr gekapte neute.

In kastrol:
1 blikkie kondensmelk,
110 gr botter,
250 gr sjokolade en
2 t vanillageursel.. ….

Smelt saam en roer koekiemengsel by.
Meng goed deur en skep in broodpan.
Druk netjies plat en verkoel 2-3 ure.
Haal uit pan, met kleefpapier, haal papier af en sny in skywe.

Banana and Ginger Tart

Banana-Ginger Tart

•1 packet Moir's Ginger biscuits
•80ml butter or margarine, melted
•1 pie dish

•250ml water
•60ml Moir's Custard Powder
•pinch of salt
•3 ripe bananas
•250ml golden syrup
•5ml ground ginger
•125ml cream, stiffly whipped
•2,5ml Moir's Vanilla Essence

1.Crumble the biscuits and mix with the melted butter.
2.Press tightly into greased pie dish. Place in the fridge to cool.
3.Boil water and golden syrup.
4.Mix the custard powder with a bit of cold water and add to boiling syrup.
5.Add the ginger and salt and stir continuously until translucent.
6.Allow to cool until tepid. Add vanilla essence.
7.Cut bananas into small pieces and mix with stiffly whipped cream.
8.Fold into ginger mixture. Do not stir too much!
9.Mixture must appear streaky.
Spoon into crust and place in fridge.
Decorate to preference.

Caramel Milk Tart

Serves 10-12
Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time: 15 min
Chilling time: overnight

250 g Tennis biscuits, finely crushed

200 g butter, melted

1,5 litres milk

200 g sugar

3 eggs

100 g flour

100 g cornflour

10 ml (2 t) vanilla essence

50 g butter

extra 250 ml (1 c) milk

1 box (90 g) caramel instant pudding

250 ml (1 c) cream

1 can (360 g) caramel condensed milk

1 slab (90 g) milk chocolate


1 Mix the biscuits with the melted butter and press onto the bottom of a deep 30 cm square dish. Chill until needed.

2 In a large microwave-proof bowl heat 1 litre (4 c) of the milk with the sugar for 10 min.

3 In a separate bowl beat the eggs, remaining 500 ml (2 c) milk, flour, cornflour and vanilla essence until smooth.

4 Mix the flour mixture with the hot milk and microwave for 12 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until the mixture is thick. Beat in the butter and leave to cool.

5 Whisk the extra milk and instant pudding together. In a separate bowl whisk the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the instant pudding.

6 When the custard is cooled, start the layering. Pour the custard over the chilled biscuit layer, smooth the caramel condensed milk over the custard, then add the instant pudding mixture. Grate the chocolate over and refrigerate overnight.

Creamy Custard Slices

Creamy Custard Slices


1 roll of bought Puff Pastry

Tip: A popular alternative to the puff pastry case is to use Cream Crackers, which are just as delicious and don't require baking.


45 ml (3 tbsp) Cornflour
750 ml (3 cups) Milk
45 ml (3 tbsp) Huletts White Sugar
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs, beaten
5 ml (1 tsp) Butter
5 ml (1 tsp) Vanilla Essence OR Almond Essence

Vanilla Glacé Icing

250 ml (1 cup) Huletts Icing Sugar
30 ml Hot Water
Pinch of Salt
2 ml Vanilla Essence


Cut the pastry into two equal sheets and place onto baking paper. Prick the pastry a few times.Chill the pastry and then bake it in a very hot oven (230ºC) for 10 minutes.
Leave to cool before filling.


Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk.Heat the rest of the milk, sugar and salt to boiling point. Add the cornflour mixture, stir well and cook until thick.Add the hot mixture to the beaten eggs, stir and heat together until the mixture just reaches boiling point. Remove from the heat and add the butter and vanilla or almond essence.
Leave until well cooled and spread the filling on one crust, placing the other on top.

Vanilla Glacé Icing

Mix the hot water and icing sugar together. Add the salt and essence and beat until smooth.
Drizzle the icing over the tart and cut into squares just before serving.