My Other Blogs

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


125g plain sweet biscuits, crushed

60g margarine, melted

375g light cream cheese

½ cup sugar

375mL CARNATION Light & Creamy Evaporated Milk

1 tsp vanilla

4 tsp gelatine

¼ cup hot water

2 kiwi fruits, peeled and cut into 8 pieces each

¼ cup passionfruit pulp

1. Combine biscuit crumbs and margarine, mix well. Press into base of 22cm springform pan, refrigerate until firm.

2. Beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Gradually beat in CARNATION Light & Creamy Evaporated Milk and vanilla.

3. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, cool, beat into cheesecake mixture.

4. Sprinkle kiwi fruits over prepared crumb crust, pour cheesecake mixture evenly over, refrigerate until set. Spoon passionfruit over top just before serving.

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