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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oven-Baked Chicken Wings with Sweet & Tangy Mustard Sauce

Makes 8 servings
16 chicken wings, whole (about 4 1/2 pounds)
7 cups Barq's® Root Beer
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground
1/4 cup yellow mustard, prepared
4 teaspoons hot pepper sauce

1. In a large, wide saucepan over medium-high heat, begin reducing 2 cups of root beer for sauce to 1 1/4 cups. Meanwhile, rinse chicken wings under cold water and pat dry. Trim wing tips and discard. Cut each wing into two pieces at the main joint. Place wings in a bowl with marinade root beer and marinate in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. While reducing root beer for sauce, preheat oven to 500°F. Remove wings, drain, and reserve marinade. Season wings with 2 teaspoons salt and pepper and place on a rack over a baking sheet. Place marinade in a saucepan over medium-high heat and reduce to 1/2 cup. Skim foam from marinade as it reduces.
3. While sauce and marinade finish reducing, place wings in oven and bake until they begin to turn golden, about 15 minutes. Remove and brush with marinade.  Flip wings over, brush with marinade again, and continue baking until wings are golden and glazed, about 12 - 15 minutes. Discard marinade.
4. Meanwhile, finish the sauce by whisking mustard and hot pepper sauce into the 5 cups root beer sauce reduction. Season with 1/2 teaspoon salt or as needed. Brush wings with the sauce, return to oven and bake until golden brown, glazed, and cooked through, about 10 minutes.
5. Brush glazed wings once more with sauce. Serve hot wings with additional sauce on the side.

Tropical Chicken Salad Wrap

1 (10 oz) can Premium Light Chunk Chicken in water or

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and chopped

1 (8 oz) can pineapple tidbits in juice, drained

1 (10 oz) can mandarin oranges in juice or light syrup, drained & chopped

1 large celery stalk, chopped coarsely

¼ medium red onion, chopped

3 Tbsp light mayo

1/8 tsp ground ginger or curry powder (optional)

4 (6-inch) whole wheat tortillas

1 cup dark green lettuce (like Romaine) or fresh spinach leaves

1) In a medium bowl, mix together chicken, pineapple, mandarin oranges, celery, onion and mayo. (Add spices if desired).

2) Place a tortilla on a plate. Put ¼ cup lettuce in the center of the tortilla.

3) Spoon ¼ of the chicken salad mixture down the center of the tortilla.

4) Roll up and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts, per serving: 300 calories, 6g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 30mg cholesterol, 470mg sodium, 38g carbohydrate, 3g dietary fiber, 21g protein

Good source of Vitamin C and Dietary Fiber

Pyramid Servings: 1 oz. grains, 1 cups fruit, 2 oz. meat & beans

Cooking Tip: This chicken salad is also good served in a wheat pita bread half or over a bed of spring greens.

Nutrition Note: Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers and they maintain healthier body weights. Fruits provide a powerhouse of nutrients with few calories, fat or sodium. Adult should try to consume 2 cups of fruit daily.

Tomato & Basil Pasta Bake

4 servings

2 cups uncooked wheat-blend rotini pasta (such as Healthy Harvest)

2 cups tomato and basil spaghetti sauce (I like Barilla Brand)

2 cups thawed-frozen broccoli, carrot and cauliflower mix*

2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes OR Mrs. Dash extra spicy seasoning

1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Cook pasta according to package directions; drain well.

3. In a medium bowl, combine cooked pasta, spaghetti sauce, thawed vegetables, and seasoning.

4. Spray an 8 x 8 baking pan with cooking spray (like Pam); add pasta mixture and sprinkle cheese on top.

5. Bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes.

* Thaw frozen veggies by running cold water over them for 1 – 2 minutes or heat in the microwave briefly.

Nutrition facts per serving: 350 calories, 8g total fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 20mg cholesterol, 620mg sodium, 53g carbohydrate, 8g dietary fiber, 16g protein.

Good source of Vitamins A & C, Calcium, Iron, Dietary Fiber AND Lycopene

Pyramid servings: 1 ½ grain, 2 vegetable, ½ milk

Nutrition note:

You’ve probably heard of Lycopene, but do you know what it is? Lycopene is a phytonutrient (plant nutrient) that is found in tomatoes and other red and pink fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and pink grapefruit. Frequent consumption of foods with lycopene is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even male infertility. Some nutrients are destroyed by food processing and cooking, but not the lycopene in tomatoes! It actually becomes more bioavailable (meaning our bodies can absorb and use it better), making foods like tomato sauce, tomato juice, tomato paste and ketchup good sources of this important nutrient.

The Master Cleanse Recipe

The Master Cleanse Recipe

Unlike other diets the Master Cleanse doesn't require any exotic or expensive ingredients. In fact it might be the most cost effective cleanse in history.

Main Ingredients for the Master Cleanse Recipe

Pure Filtered Water

Grade B Organic Maple Syrup, Formaldehyde free

Organic Cayenne Pepper

Organic Lemons

Sea salt - Unrefined, (Not iodized) or Epsom Salt

Optional Ingredients:

Laxative tea

Natural Herbal Tea (decaffeinated)

First Let’s Talk About The Main Ingredients You'll Need For The Master Cleanser Recipe

The first one (pure filtered water) is probably the most overlooked, and disregarded step in the Master Cleanse. It’s also the most important if you want to cleanse your body.

To make sure you get all the detoxing benefits you should make the lemonade with filtered water. You can find filtered water at most grocery stores, but a more convenient option is to own your own home water filter pitcher or tap filter.

The other main ingredients are pretty standard fare, and can be found at most grocery stores.

A few things to keep in mind

Use organic ingredients The goal of the Master Cleanse is to remove toxic substances from your body so stay away from ingredients that have been sprayed with pesticides

Don't use concentrated lemon juice If you have to you can use nonorganic lemons, but you cannot use concentrated lemon juice because It's filled with sugar and preservatives.

Make sure the sea salt is Unrefined or Not iodized This will be used as a laxative

Optional Ingredients:

The first of the optional ingredients, the laxative tea can be used in place of, or in addition to the sea salt flush. The purpose of both of these items is to increase eliminations. Of the two the sea salt is the more effective, but if you take sea salt the laxative tea will work fine. The tea can be found in most grocery stores, and is sold under different brand names. The two I use are Smooth Move and Laxative Tea. But you can use herbal teas (decaffeinated) to help break the redundancy of drinking the plain lemonade all day long. These teas come in an assortment of flavours, and can really liven up the taste of the lemonade. Herbal tea can be found at just about any grocery store.

The Master Cleanse Recipe

The Master Cleanse works just how it sounds; you consume primarily lemonade for the entire time you're on the diet. So the recipes for the diet itself are fairly simple. You should drink a minimum of 60 oz of lemonade a day, but can drink more if you like. You can also drink as much water as you want. I suggest you consume your body weight in ounces of water.

Below are two different recipes. The first is for a single serving of the master cleanse lemonade. The second will make 6 servings

#1 (single serving):

2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)

2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavoured syrup you use on pancakes)

1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder

Ten-twelve ounces of filtered water (hot or cold)

#2 (60 oz. daily serving):

60 ounces of filtered water

12 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup

12 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice (50% limes may be used too)

1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper powder

There are a couple important things to remember when preparing the lemonade.

For one, the lemon juice used must be fresh squeezed. This cannot be emphasized enough. It is necessary to use fresh produce. Canned juice won't work and will erase most of the benefits of using the master cleanser diet. Also, the maple syrup must be grade B maple syrup, not the sugar filled syrup that is used at the breakfast table. The cayenne pepper might seem unnecessary, but it is actually very important. Not only does it help to add a bit of a kick, but the pepper helps to break up mucus and increases healthy blood flow. It also is a good source of B and C vitamins, commonly referred to as Super Vitamins due to their many benefits for the body.

Mixing teas with the recipe is one way to help modify things, just make sure It's decaffeinated tea because caffeine can restrict blood vessels and we want to keep your body passages as open as possible.

Recommended length is 10 days (3 days if that is just too much due to time constraints) (alternate hungry periods with the lemonade or just water)…for future trials, it is said that you can work up to 30 days. You should practice no more than 3-4 times per year. Continue or increase exercise daily. Upon completion, ease into eating for 4 days eat only fruits, vegetable, juice, plain basmati rice & smoothies. Then resume normal diet.

Benefits: It is great for detoxing, losing weight (.5-1#/day—will stay off with change of diet/exercise), a lot of energy after a couple of days, rejuvenation, and better complexion and tone to skin. The benefits of doing a detox diet are many and include pain relief, chronic ailment alleviation, allergy alleviation, and increased sex drive and potency. To dissolve and get rid of toxins and congestion that have formed inside your body, cleanse the kidneys, colon, and liver, To purify the glands and cells, To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles, To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels, To maintain a healthy blood stream, To reduce acne and maintain a youthful skin.

Notes: You may want to use a salt water cleanse/laxative 1-3 days prior to cleanse to make sure you do not become stagnant in the bowels or constipated.

Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush

One of the key aspects of the Master Cleanse is to flush your system of any toxins and accumulated waste which is clogging your system. The way this is done is by using a salt water flush or herbal tea.

Both of these will clear your colon and get your internal organs into a much faster and better working mode. Drinking 1 teaspoon of unrefined non-iodized sea salt mixed with 25-35 ounces of water will flush out your system completely. One suggestion: whether you use the salt water flush or the herbal tea flush, it's best to be near a bathroom.

If you experience flu like symptoms during the detox, continue but add in more water to help flush the toxins out.

Cadbury Chocolate Banana Pie


100g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

175g butter

225g Rich Tea biscuits


200ml Crème Fraiche or 200g cream cheese

2 ripe bananas

5ml (1 tsp) lemon juice

50g castor sugar

2 eggs

40g self raising flour

2.5ml (1/2 tsp) vanilla essence

Topping and decoration

100g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

142ml double cream

1 firm banana

Lemon juice

A 23cm (9 inch) flan tin


Melt the chocolate with the butter, stir in crushed biscuits. Press crust into the tin. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, beat cheese until smooth, and then beat in squashed bananas, lemon juice, sugar, eggs, flour and essence, continuing until smooth and thick. Pour filling onto crust, bake for a further 30-35 minutes until firm; cool.

For topping, slowly melt chocolate in the cream then cool slightly before pouring over the pie. Chill until required. Decorate with banana slices dipped in lemon juice.

Cadbury Tiramisu Crown


10ml (2 tsps) gelatin

50g caster sugar

40ml instant coffee

100ml (5 Tbs) Tia Maria or coffee liqueur

200g sponge fingers

7-8 Cadbury Flake

200g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

Two, 250 cartons Mascarpone cheese, or firm cream cheese

284ml double cream

40ml (2 Tbs) Cadbury cocoa

20cm round, loose based cake tin


Dissolve gelatin in a little hot water. Mix sugar and coffee with 2 tablespoons boiling water, then mix into the clear gelatin with 2 tablespoons of liqueur.

Dip sponge fingers into remaining liqueur then closely line the

base and sides of the tin, with the Flake evenly spaced round the edge. Melt the chocolate carefully.

Whisk cheese and coffee together, then whisk in the cream and cooled chocolate, continuing to whisk until mixture thickens; spoon into the tin. Refrigerate overnight until set.

Sprinkle generously with cocoa then ease out of the tin and serve on an attractive plate with a decoration in the centre. Tie a ribbon round the dessert if you wish. Serve in slices.

Cadbury Rich Chocolate Mousse


200 g bar of Cadbury Bournville chocolate

284 ml whipping cream

10 ml (2 teaspoons) dry instant coffee

4 egg yolks

40 ml (2 tablespoons)

Coffee liqueur

4 Cadbury Flakes from the family box

8 small serving glasses


Break the chocolate into a blender goblet. Heat the cream with the coffee to boiling point, then pour into the blender and liquidize for

1 minute, until the chocolate has melted.

Add the egg yolks and liqueur blend for a further 30 seconds and turn into a bowl. Refrigerate for at least an hour until cold and thick. Whisk the mixture vigorously until light and fluffy, then stir in two roughly crumbled Flake. Divide the mixture between individual glasses and chill well, before serving each one decorated with half a Flake.

Tip: The final whisking is all-important to the texture. Beat for at

least 5 minutes with an electric mixer until the mousse becomes thicker and slightly paler in colour.

Cadbury Viennese Whirls


150g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

350g margarine

75g icing sugar

5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence

60ml (3 Tbs) milk

350g plain flour

175g corn flour

2.5ml (1/2 tsp) baking powder

To complete

284ml double cream

150g carton thick and creamy strawberry yogurt

225g strawberries

2 kiwi fruits

Also, you will require

A large piping bag fitted with a star nozzle

Two baking trays lined with parchment paper


Melt the chocolate. Cream the margarine and sugar until very pale, and then add the melted chocolate, essence and milk.

Beat in the dry ingredients, beating until the mixture is really light.

Fill the piping bag then pipe quite deep whirls into a circle measuring 20-22.5cm on a baking tray.

Pipe extra whirls on another tray, allowing room to spread. Bake

at 190°C for 15-20 minutes until cooked. Leave to harden before

lifting off. Freeze for up to 3 months if required, packing carefully.

Whisk cream and yogurt together and pipe onto the biscuit base. Decorate with slices of fruit and a few biscuit whirls -eat the remainder!

Cadbury Snowy Mountain Pudding

This delicious chocolate pudding will make a lovely change from the heavy traditional pudding.

This delectable rich Christmas pudding, made with Cadbury chocolate, is the ideal alternative to fruit-based versions. Serves 6-7.

For the pudding

200g bar Cadbury Bournville chocolate

3-4 Tbs brandy

12 trifle sponges or 250g sponge cake

2 eggs, separated

4 Tbs castor sugar

450ml double cream

4 Tbs single cream

1.5 litre basin


Warm the chocolate carefully between your hands for a few moments, then shave off enough curls for the decoration. Set these aside in a cool place.

Break up the remaining chocolate and melt it slowly with the brandy.

Split all the trifle sponges neatly in half.

Use some to line the basin, with the cut sides of the sponges towards the outside.

Cut further pieces of cake to fit the gaps and ensure the basin is completely lined.

Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together and fold in the cooled, melted chocolate.

Whip half the double cream, then whisk egg whites until stiff and fold both into the chocolate mixture.

Cover the cake at the base of the bowl with the mixture, and then arrange a layer of cake on top.

Continue until all the ingredients are used, ending with a cake layer.

Cover the bowl with a plate, weight it down and leave overnight.

Turn the pudding out onto an attractive serving plate.

Whip the remaining double cream with the single, and then spread it in ripples over the pudding.

Decorate the top of the pudding with the chocolate curls. Keep cool until required.

Cadbury Pancake Clouds



50g bar Cadbury Bournville chocolate

275ml milk

2 eggs

125g plain flour, sieved

40ml (2 Tbs) Cadbury cocoa, sieved


150g carton Greek yogurt

284ml double cream

2.5ml (1/2 tsp) ground cinnamon

396g can pear halves

20ml (1 Tbs) corn flour

40ml (2 Tbs) golden syrup

50g butter

20ml (1 Tbs) castor sugar

125ml milk

2.5ml (1/2 tsp) vanilla essence

100g Cadbury Bournville chocolate

A crepe or small frying pan


Make the pancakes by gently heating the chocolate in the milk until melted.

Pour the liquid into a blender or food processor, add the

remaining batter ingredients then process until smooth; or the

batter may be made in a bowl with a whisk but beat hard to ensure

a light mixture

Heat the pan with a little oil. Pour in just enough batter to cover the

base thinly, pouring off any excess.

Cook the pancake until nicely browned then flip over and cook the other side. Repeat the process to make 8-10.

These can be made up to a day in advance if required.

Whisk together the yogurt, cream and cinnamon until thick.

Drain the pears reserving the juice, chop the fruit then fold into the cream.

In a pan, blend the corn flour with the fruit juice.

Add the golden syrup, butter and sugar; heat slowly, stirring continuously, until the sauce thickens.

Stir in the milk and essence and continue stirring whilst heating

again until just beginning to boil

Off the heat, stir in the chocolate until smooth

Fold each pancake into 4.

Fill each one with the cream and pears. Serve with the warm chocolate sauce.