My Other Blogs

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


500g pakkie tapioka (6½ koppies na geweek)
6 koppies melk
90g botter
knippie sout (2ml)
8 eiers geskei
250 ml suiker
12.5ml vanielje

Week die tapioka vorige dag in kookwater. Kook die melk, geweekte tapioka, botter en sout saam. Kook oor stadige hitte en roer gedurig.
Skei die eiers.
Klits die geel van die eiers saam met die suiker.
Voeg die geklitse eiermengsel by die melkpap.
Roer gedurig tot pap dik en gaar is.
Roer vanieljegeursel by.
Skep die gaar pap in twee gesmeerde oondvaste bakke.
Drup lepelsvol appelkooskonfyt oor die poeding en strooi ‘n bietjie klapper oor.
Klits die eierwitte tot styf.
Vou die styfgeklopte eierwitte bo-oor.
Bak in oond tot eierwitte goudbruin is.
(Die resep is vir twee oondbakke. Dit vries baie goed. Die resep kan ook halveer word.)

Citrus Cucumber Water Fat Flush

Citrus Cucumber Water Fat Flush
(Always use organic ingredients when available.)
1 grapefruit sliced
3 tangerines sectioned
1 cucumber sliced
1 small bunch ( a few sprigs ) of mint leaves
1 tray of ice ( or a quarter of a bag)
1/2 gal - 1 gal purified water (depending on the size of your pitcher)
1 Wash grapefruit, tangerine cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice cucumber, grapefruit and peel tangerine. Combine all ingredients fruits, vegetables, purified water, and ice into a large pitcher.

2 Refrigerate for about 15 minutes

Stir & Enjoy!

Jogurt Piesangbrood

Oond 180 gr C.
Sif in mengbak: 2 en halwe k koekmeel, 4 t bakpoeier, kwart t sout.
Vryf 80 gr sagte botter in.
Klits 2 groot eiers, 1 k suiker en 1 k plein jogurt saam.
Roer by droë bestandele.
Roer 3 ryp, fyngedrukte piesangs in deeg en skep in gevoerde, gesmeerde broodpannetjie.
Bak vir 50 minute tot gaar.
Koel op afkoelrakkie af en bedien in snye met botter.

Curries Beef and Mushrooms with Mash

This hearty beef meal is a firm favourite for family and friends.

Serves: 6 | Preparation Time: 20 minutes | Cooking Time: 120 minutes


30 millilitre Stork margarine
150 millilitre Milk
900 gram Potatoes
125 millilitre water
125 millilitre Red wine
410 gram Can tomatoes, chopped
30 millilitre Curry powder
250 gram Button mushrooms, halved
2 Large onions, chopped
750 gram Stewing steak, cut into 3 cm cubes
15 millilitre oil
1 KNORR Garlic & Herb Potato Bake

Brown meat in heated cooking oil.
Remove from pan.
Add onions, mushrooms and curry powder to the same pan and cook until onions are soft.
Return meat to pan and add tomatoes, red wine and water.
Simmer covered for about 1½ hours until meat is tender.
Peel then boil potatoes until tender.
Drain well and mash.
Add the milk, Stork margarine and contents of the sachet of KNORR Garlic & Herb Potato Bake to the mash.
Spoon the potato mixture into a greased, ovenproof dish, lining the base and sides and leaving a large hollow in the middle for the meat filling.
Fill with meat filling and flatten with a spoon.
Bake at 180°C for 25 min or until potato is golden around the edges.

Kersie sjokolade balletjies

Kersie sjokolade balletjies

Bak sjokolade koek en maak fyn met menger of krap met harde borseltjie die koek in krummels.
Meng met versiersuiker of roomkaas versag.
Neem kersie met stingeltjie aan, plak koekiemengsel om kersie en rol balletjie om kersie. Sit in yskas vir ongeveer 'n uur.
Druk in gesmelte sjokolade en plaas terug in yskas.

Kan ook die Oreo balletjie resep gebruik vir die resep.

Sticky Coke Chicken

Sticky Coke Chicken

8 pieces of chicken – thighs and drumsticks
2 tins of Coke
1/2 cup soy sauce

Place the chicken pieces in a heavy based pot.
Pour the Coke and soy over the top, cover with a lid and cook for 30-40 minutes.
Remove the lid and lower the heat.
Cook the chicken slowly, turning the pieces every now and then.
The sauce will reduce down to a stick consistency.
Serve with Mashed potatoes and some greens.
If you want to add some salt, you are most welcome, but we do not. The soy provides enough salt to this dish.


(Recipe may be halved as this makes heaps)
2 (500 ml) cups butter
680 g chocolate chips
4 (1000 ml) cups flour
2 (500 ml) cups brown sugar
2 tsp. (10 ml) Bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
2 (500 ml) cups sugar
500 g Grated Cadbury chocolate
5 (1250 ml) cups blended oatmeal
4 eggs
2 tsp. (10 ml) baking powder
2 tsp. (10 ml) vanilla
3 cups (375 ml) chopped nuts (optional)

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to a fine powder. Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla, mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and bicarbonate of soda. Add chocolate chips, grated Chocolate and nuts. Roll into balls, and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 C.

The above quantities make 112 cookies. Enjoy!

Aartappel en Biltong slaai

Hier is 'n resep wat Marjorrie J Gouws met ons gedeel het vir 'n grootmaat : Die slaai word gewoonlik by Deli's gemaak by groot kettingwinkels.


Sy noem dat die slaai KOUD bedien moet word, en ja die 4 koppies olie is reg. Pas die resep aan indien jy dit minder wil maak:

Aartappel Biltong Slaai

Kook 1 sak aartappels tot sag en sny in blokkies. Sodra aartappels blokkies koud is gooi genoeg mayonaise oor. Gooi dan so 600 g biltong by en so 400 g gerasperde kaas.

Braai volgende saam :
4 koppies olie
5 koppies uie
Loer af en toe tot sag is.

Sodra die uie dan sag is, gooi die volgende by :

4 koppies asyn
1 kg bruinsuiker
2 groot lepels salad sprinkle
Peper na smaak
1 kop aromat
Sout na smaak

Kook tot asyn baie sterk in kombuis geruik kan word Kook sous mooi deur en gooi oor slaai terwyl nog warm is. Moet asb heeltamal koud wees voor opdiening. Plaas verkieslik in yskas.

Enjoy !!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Met die koue nat weer soek ons Kerrie.... geregte om ons warm te maak :
Die foto is slegs 'n illustrasie:

Ek maak Kerriefrikkadelle met piesangs vir aandtete (uit ouma se boek)

1 1/2 snye brood
1 K water
1 Eier
1/8 t fyn naeltjies
1/4 t fynneut
1t sout
1/4t peper
1lb (500gr) maalvleis

Week die brood in water. Maak met vurk fyn. Voeg brood eier en geurmiddles by vleis. Meng liggies en deeglik met vurk. Vorm frikkadelle. Rol in meel pak in vuurvaste skottel.

Kerrie sous
1 groot uit fyn gekap
1 E botter
1E meelblom
1 E Kerrie
1/2k bruinsuiker
1E suurlemoen sap
1 K water
1 E appelkooskonfyt
5 Piesangs

Braai ui sag in botter. Roer Kerrie en meel by. Braai effens. Voeg asyn water suurlemoensap by. Sny drie piesangs in die mengsel. Voeg konfyt by. Laat kook stadig tot piesang gaar is. Sny ander twee piesangs in die lengte. Rangskik tussen frikkadelle. Gooi sous oor frikadelle. Bak in matige oond vir uur. Bedoen met klapper of blatjang.


Melkkos ~ Recipe from: Real Men Can Cook and Food

Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins

A delicious traditional South African pudding.


6 cup full cream milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup white bread flour
50 g butter
a pinch of salt
zest of one orange
a cinnamon stick


Add the milk to a pot, and then add your cinnamon stick.
Bring to a medium high heat, careful not to let the milk boil.
While that is heating up, add the flour and a pinch of salt to a mixing bowl.
Add the butter and start rubbing it into the flour with your hands.
When it is ready you will see it looks like yellow crumbs of varying sizes.
Add your sugar and stir it in with a wooden spoon.
By this time your milk should be heated up. Turn the heat down to medium and add the flour mixture to the pot.
Keep stirring as this mix could easily burn due to the sugar content.
Keep at a light simmer and remember to keep stirring.
At first it will still be very runny, but as the flour cooks the mixture will thicken. This should take about 15 to 20 minutes in total.
Half way through cooking add your orange zest and contiue stirring.
You will have to adjust the mix to your liking, add a bit more flour and butter if you would like it to be less runny.

Image by: Real Men Can Cook.