My Other Blogs

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Southern Kiss

3 ounces Southern Comfort
1 ounce Amaretto
1/2 ounce Irish cream
whipped cream
Measure and pour into a short glass.
Stir if desired

Granny's Banana Cream Pie

3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
3 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons butter or 2 tablespoons margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 medium firm bananas
1 9 inch pie shell, baked
whipped cream or Cool Whip
sliced banana

1.       In a saucepan, combine sugar, flour, and salt; stir in milk and mix well.
2.       Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil; boil for 2 minutes.
3.       Remove from the heat.
4.       Stir a small amount of cream mixture into egg yolks; return all to saucepan.
5.       Cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly; remove from the heat.
6.       Add butter and vanilla; mix well; allow to cool slightly.
7.       Slice the bananas and place evenly in pastry shell; pour cream mixture over bananas.
8.       Cool; before serving, garnish with whipped cream or Cool Whip and bananas.
9.       Refrigerate any leftovers.

Mama's Southern Fried Chicken


3 pounds cut up chicken parts
vegetable oil

Batter Ingredients:

2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup yellow cornmeal
2 Tablespoons seasoning salt
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
5 extra large eggs
1 1/2 cups milk

Breading Ingredients:

2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup yellow cornmeal
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
3 Tablespoons McCormick Original Chicken Seasoning
2 Tablespoons dried thyme leaves
1 Tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground pepper


Batter Directions:

  1. Mix the flour, cornmeal, salt, baking powder, and pepper together in a small bowl.
  2. Whisk the eggs and milk in a medium sized bowl until thick and light, about 2 minutes.
  3. Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture and whisk the batter just until the flour disappears and the batter is smooth (about 1 minute).
  4. Let batter stand for 15 minutes to thicken for dipping the chicken into.

Fried Chicken Directions:

  1. Rinse the chicken and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Mix all of the breading ingredients in a large shallow dish.
  3. Dip each of the chicken pieces in the batter, then roll each in the breading mixture, coating each piece evenly.
  4. Place chicken in refrigerator for 15 minutes to allow the coating to set.
  5. Heat about 1 inch of oil in a large heavy skillet.
  6. Fry the chicken, a few pieces at a time, turning them occasionally, until golden brown and the juices run clear when pierced with a fork (about 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Transfer to a cooling rack to drain. Serve hot.

Cucumber Salad

This is a great yummy summer salad and can stay in your fridge up to 2 months.

4 thinly sliced cucumbers
1-large sliced red onions
1-large sliced green bell peppers
1-tbsp salt
2-cup white vinegar
1 1/2-cups sugar
1-tsp celery flakes
1-tsp red pepper flakes

Mix cucumbers, onions, peppers and salt; set a side.

Put vinegar, sugar, celery flakes and pepper flakes in a pot and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add 2 handfuls of ice until melted.

Place all veggies in large mouth canning jars (2 quarts or 1 half gallon jar)

Pour mixture over cucumbers, store in refrigerator.
Will keep up to 2 months

Snickerdoodles Cookies


1 cup unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sugar (topping)
4 teaspoons cinnamon (topping)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Mix butter, sugar, and eggs.
3. Blend in flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt. Shape dough by rounded teaspoonfuls into balls.
4. Mix 4 teaspoons cinnamon and 1/4 cup sugar in a shallow bowl. Coat each dough ball with the cinnamon sugar mixture.
5. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheet.
6. Bake 8-10 minutes. Remove immediately from baking sheet

Honey Mustard Chicken Nuggets

1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken tenders, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons corn starch
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (more if you like a kick)
1/4 teaspoon paprika
peanut oil for frying

Fill deep heavy skillet or deep fryer or heavy bottomed pot with at least 2 inches of peanut oil.
Heat on medium until hot.
Combine remaining ingredients except chicken in a medium bowl and whisk until smooth.
Add chicken and toss to coat.
Let sit in fridge while oil heats up...about 10 minutes.
When oil is ready, fry the chicken pieces in batches, until golden brown (about 4-5 minutes). Remove chicken from skillet or pot and let drain on a paper towel lined plate.
Serve with honey mustard sauce below.

Honey Mustard Sauce

1/2 cup Kraft Coleslaw Dressing
1/4 cup Honey BBQ Sauce (your favorite)
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
2 teaspooons honey
Combine all ingredients into a small bowl and whisk to combine.
Taste, and add more honey if it's too tangy.
Store in air-tight container in fridge for up to 2 weeks.



3 eiers geklits
1k suiker
1 en 1/2 k meel
1 en 1/2 t bakpoeier
180ml melk
45 ml margarine
Voeg suiker by eiers en klits goed. Sif meel, bakpoeier en sout saam.
Meng met eiers.
Kook melk en margarien saam.
Roer in meelmengsel. Bak 20-30 min 180.
Laat bietjie afkoel, prik en gooi sous oor.

1 en 1/2 k suiker
1 k water
45 ml margarien.
Kook 5 min, haal af en voeg 1 k lemoensap en 45ml lemoenskil by.
Gooi oor koek
As afgekoel het, sprinkel versiersuiker oor.
Kan ook bedien met styfgeklopte room

Ek bak my koek in glasbak, gooi die stroop oor en los dit in die bak. Ek skep dit dan blokkiesgewys uit soos benodig.

Paasbolletjies (Hot Cross Buns)

Paasbolletjies (Hot Cross Buns)
(Maak 12 - 14 rolletjies)

250 ml warm melk
90 g (100 ml) botter, gesmelt
1 eier
65 g (80 ml) suiker
10 g sout
10 g kitsgis
15 ml fyn kaneel
15 ml gemengde speserye
500 g (890 ml) koekmeel
140 g (250 ml) rosyne

60 ml meel
15 ml olie
30 ml water

Kook saam vir 5 minute:
100 ml water
50 ml suiker

So maak jy:
Verhit oond tot 180 ˚C. Meng melk, botter, eier, suiker, sout en gis in 'n middelslag-mengbak. Voeg speserye en genoeg meel by tot 'n stywe, kniebare deeg. Knie vir 5 - 8 minute of tot deeg gladde voorkoms het. Laat deeg op 'n warm plek rys tot dubbel die volume, sowat 1 uur. Voeg rosyne by en knie af tot rosyne ingemeng is. Laat weer rys tot dubbel die volume, sowat 30 - 45 minute. Verdeel in gholfbalgrootte bolletjies (80 g) en plaas stewig teen mekaar in 'n broodpan. Laat rys tot dubbel die volume, weer sowat 30 - 45 minute.

Meng bestanddele vir kruise saam tot stywe pasta. Spuit kruise bo-oor deeg met versiersak. Bak vir 30 - 35 minute tot goudbruin en gaar.

Verf met glasuursel en laat afkoel. Sit voor met botter.

It’s Easter, so let’s eat pickled fish!

'Kerrievis', or fresh fish pickled in a spicy, sweet, yellow marinade, is traditionally enjoyed around Easter time by many people living in the Cape and elsewhere in South Africa.

This time-honoured dish is a great favourite, but what many people don't know is that it is a very old recipe indeed, and one that has rightfully earned its place as one of our country's treasured heritage dishes.

The pickled fish you eat today – whether you make it at home, or buy it in a supermarket - is made from a recipe that has, in essence, not changed for at least two centuries. In fact, the dish is probably a lot older than that.

Like many of the best-known and loved 'Malay' dishes – breyani, bredie, bobotie, denningvleis, sosaties and koeksisters – pickled fish was introduced to the Cape from the East in the early days of the slave trade. (The painful saga of slavery at the Cape falls out of the scope of this article, but if you're interested, you'll find more information here.)

Because there was no way to preserve surplus fresh catches in the pre-refrigeration days, the fried fish was packed into barrels or jars and covered with a spicy, vinegary pickle that prevented it from spoiling and preserved it in large quantities for weeks (or even months) at a time.

No one is quite sure when the tradition of eating pickled fish at Easter time began at the Cape, but what is certain is that around this time of year you'll catch a waft of vinegar and fragrant spices floating from the kitchen windows of Cape Town as cooks get busy preparing this lovely delicacy for family and friends.

There are countless different variations of pickled fish – many a recipe is a closely guarded family secret, passed from mother to daughter – but what they all have in common is that they all contain vinegar, sugar, turmeric, salt, onions and pickling spices.

If you've never made pickled fish before, a good place to start is with Chef Wendy's easy recipe, which you will find here. It's not at all difficult to make, and you will find that it keeps very well in the fridge for at least a week. Here are some tips for making pickled fish:
• Chef Wendy's convenient recipe uses frozen hake fillets, but you can also use fresh fillets of firm-fleshed fish such as hake or yellowtail.
• Don't slice the onions too finely – the rings should be just thick enough to retain a slight 'crunch' after the marinade has been cooked.
• Make sure that the fried fish pieces are well-coated in the pickling liquid. Keep the fish in a covered plastic container (a two-litre ice cream box is ideal) in the fridge.
• Pickled fish needs to sit in its marinade for at least 12 hours, preferably longer, for an authentic taste and texture.
• If you'd like your pickled fish to have a bit of a 'kick', add some chopped fresh red chilli, or dried chilli flakes, to the marinade mixture. You can also add other extra spices and flavourings of your choice, such as garlic, ginger, star anise, a cinnamon stick, and on.
• Pickled fish can be served on its own, or with accompaniments such as boiled eggs, sliced brown bread, crisp lettuce, and so on.
 Pickled Fish
A favourite South African dish traditionally eaten at Easter time – prepare two days in advance and store in the fridge ready to enjoy over a long weekend!
Serves: 6 - 8| Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 30 minutes
45 millilitre KNORR Brown Onion Soup mixed with a little water to form a smooth paste
16 Black peppercorns
5 millilitre Ground ginger
10 millilitre Salt
10 millilitre Turmeric
30 millilitre Curry powder
750 millilitre Brown sugar
500 millilitre water
4 Large onions sliced into rings
750 millilitre White or brown vinegar
1.5 kilogram Hake fillets, frozen
Flour for coating fish
Oil for frying
1.Coat the frozen fish in flour and pan-fry in heated oil until cooked.
2.Drain on paper towel and set aside.
3.In a large saucepan mix all the ingredients for the curry sauce except the KNORR Brown Onion Soup.
4.Boil uncovered for 5 minutes.
5.Add the cooked fish and the KNORR Brown Onion Soup.
6.Stir gently until the sauce thickens then allow to simmer for a further 5 minutes.
7.Cool and spoon into a non-metal container.
8.Store covered in the fridge.

Microwave Chocolate Cake

Beat in a blender:
3 eggs
1 tin of condensed milk;
1 can cream
1 tablespoon (coffee) vanilla extract;
1 tbsp (tablespoons) unsalted butter or margarine;
1/2 cup cocoa powder.
Place in a greased microwave bowl with oil (plastic or glass form suitable for microwave) for 8 minutes at full power.
Let cool for 5 minutes, unmold and garnish with chocolate sprinkles.

Malva Poeding

250 ml meelblom
5 ml koeksoda
5 ml appelkooskonfyt
5 ml margarien
250 ml melk
1 eier
250 ml suiker
5 ml suurlemoensap
Room botter en suiker
Voeg eier by
Voeg suurlemoensap, koeksoda en appelkooskonfyt by
Bak in glasbak teen 180 grade C vir 1 uur.
250 ml room/melk
125 ml margarien
250 ml suiker
125 ml kookwater
Kook alles saam vir twee minute en gooi oor poeding sodra dit uit die oond kom.Bak nog ‘n klein rukkie tot karamelagtig.



3 en 1/2 koppies koekmeel
1 eetlepel bakpoeier
1 teelepel kaneel
3/4 teelepel sout
1/2 teelepel nutmeg
1/3 koppie melk
1/2 koppie gesmelte botter
4 eiers geklits
2/3 koppie suiker
Sonneblom olie vir braai
Kaneel en suiker mengsel vir strooi
So maak jy:

Meng meel, bakpoeier, kaneel, sout en nutmeg.
Gebruik ander bak en meng melk en gesmelte botter.
In ander bak - klits eiers en suiker tot room met elektriese klitser (so 5min lank) (ek sit dit in my Food Processor)
Gooi nou die melk mengel by die suiker en room mengsel en roer goed met lepel.
Voeg nou die meel mengsel by en roer alles goed.
Maak mengbak toe met clingwrap en plaas in yskas vir 2 ure.
Die deeg is effens taaierig
Strooi oppervlakte effens met meel.
Rol deeg uit - so 1.5 - 2 cm dikte
Druk sirkels - (groot Mayonaise bottel werk goed)
Druk binne sirkel - (shooter glasie werk goed)
Laat effe rys
Braai in warm olie - so 2 - 2.5 minute draai halftyd om totdat hulle goudbruin is
Jy kan so 2-3 gelyk braai
Plaas op servet om olie te dreinneer
Gooi die suiker kaneel in 'n sakkie
Plaas die warm doughnuts daarin en skud
Daar behoort so 15 uit een resep te kom
Heerlik net so alleen of saam met roomys
Versier allerhande kleure en besprinkel met allerhande fieterjassies
Sny in helfte en spuit dik vla of styfgeklopte room of chocolate mousse in


250 gr botter
250ml suiker
500 gr dadels fyngesny
1 eier goed geklits
1 pak marie beskuitjies fyngerol
So maak jy:
Smelt botter, suiker.
Voeg dadels en eier by en roer en prut tot eier mooi egalig deur gemeng is.
Roer beskuitjies by.
Haal van stoof af, laat net effe afkoel.
Rol in balletjies en rol in klapper of druk plat in bak en sprinkel klapper bo-oor en sny in blokkies of vingers.


'n Ander idee by jou volgende braai !!


1 klaar voorafbereide deeg of selfs puff pastry sal werk.
Ringetjies salami
Blokkies kaas

Druk sikrels uit.
Volg stappe soos op die foto.
Plaas in gesmeerde bakplaat.
Sprinkel oor, droe pietersielie of paprika, of rosemary and parmasaan speserye of enige speserye na smaak.
Bak in voorafverhitte oond by 180 C vir ongeveer 30 min of tot goudbruin en opgepof.

Ek wonder hoe die resep gaan werk as mens bietjie room bo-oor gooi met miskien 'n bietjie potato bake in ??