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Monday, July 23, 2012

Broccoli & Mushroom Pilaf

Broccoli & Mushroom Pilaf

This dish is another instance of how the colorful vegetable blends perfectly with mushrooms and rice. The result is a flavorful combination that can stand on its own as a main course, besides being used as a side dish. In addition to being low on calories, it requires little preparation time and is a blessing for vegetarians. In fact, I am a vegetarian for two days of the week for religious reasons, and this pilaf is often my lunch!


3 cups cooked rice

4 large cloves garlic, minced fine

1 lb. chopped broccoli/ broccoli cuts/ broccoli florets

1/2 lb. sliced mushrooms

1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan and fry the garlic for a minute, then add mushrooms,
broccoli, ground cinnamon, cilantro/coriander leaves and salt. Cover with the lid and cook on medium low heat for ten minutes. Add cooked rice just before turning off the heat. Let stand for five minutes. Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.

Jambalaya (Vegetarian)

Jambalaya (Vegetarian)


1 1/4 cup uncooked rice (approximately 250 grams)

1 onion chopped fine

1 green bell pepper, chopped fine

1 tsp. chilli powder

2 large tomatoes, diced

1 lb. sliced mushrooms

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan and fry the onions, mushrooms, green bell pepper,
tomato, rice, cilantro/coriander leaves and chilli powders and salt. Add two and a half cups of lukewarm water, cover with the lid and cook on medium low heat for half an hour. Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.



An interesting mixture of the gumbo blend with Indian spices.


1 lb. Gumbo blend

1/2 lb. shrimps peeled and deveined (optional)

1/4 tsp. cumin powder

1/4 tsp. coriander powder

1/4 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 large tomato, diced

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tbsp. oil ( 2 tbsp. if shrimps are used)

2 cups cooked rice


Heat the oil in a small non-stick frying pan (or skillet), and fry the shrimp (optional) and tomato, with cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders together for fifteen minutes. Add the gumbo blend, season with salt and pepper, and cook until done, then add rice.

Shrimp Creole

Shrimp Creole


1 lb. shrimps peeled and deveined

6 large cloves of garlic, sliced fine and 1 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. onion powder

1 lb. tomatoes (approximately 6 large tomatoes, diced)

1 tsp. salt and pepper or to taste

2 tbsp. oil

Cilantro/coriander leaves


Heat the oil in a small non-stick frying pan (or skillet), and fry the shrimps with garlic, tomatoes and cilantro/coriander leaves, onion and garlic powders, salt and pepper, for fifteen minutes.

Shrimp Curry

Shrimp Curry


1 lb. shrimps, peeled and deveined

1 onion, pureed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tomato, pureed

1 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 tsp. salt or to taste

1 tsp. lemon juice

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry the onion, tomato, ginger and garlic, together with
cumin and coriander powders and cilantro/coriander leaves for five minutes on medium low heat.

Add shrimp, turmeric and chilli powders and salt together with half a cup of lukewarm water and cook on medium low heat for twenty five minutes. Keep the pan covered with a lid. Stir well to let the shrimps blend with the spices. Season with lemon juice, garnish with cilantro/coriander before serving.


Using pre-cooked, peeled and deveined shrimp available in the grocery store to reduce preparation time.

Fish Curry

Fish Curry

Fish is relished mainly in the coastal states of Bengal and Kerala. The curry forms the staple diet with plain boiled rice.


1 lb. fish, cut into pieces

1 onion pureed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 tomato, pureed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry the onions, ginger and garlic, together with cumin and

coriander powders for five minutes. Add tomato, fish, turmeric and chilli powders and salt

together with a cup of lukewarm water and cook on medium low heat for twenty five minutes.

Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.

Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken

What would you order from the menu chart of an Indian restaurant? One of the most popular non-vegetarian dishes is Butter Chicken. Try out this easy recipe at home.


3 lbs. chicken drumsticks/ thighs/ sliced breast pieces

1 tbsp. oil

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

3 tsp. chilli powder (optional)

1 cup yogurt or buttermilk

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup/4 oz. tomato puree

4 oz. butter

6 cardamoms

6 cloves

2 sticks cinnamon

3 tsp. salt or to taste


Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Fry the ginger, garlic, cardamoms, cinnamon and cloves on medium low heat for a minute, and add the chicken with the yogurt or buttermilk, tomato puree, sour cream, chilli powder and salt. Cook on medium low heat, stirring occasionally, for half an hour, keeping the saucepan covered with a lid. Add butter before serving.

Chicken & Spinach Curry

Chicken & Spinach Curry


1 lb. boneless chicken, cut into thin strips

10 oz. (approximately two cups) spinach puree

2 onions pureed

2 tsp. ginger paste

2 tsp. garlic paste

1 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 tomato, pureed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the onions, ginger and garlic, together with cumin and

coriander powders and spinach puree for five minutes on medium low heat. Add tomato,

chicken, turmeric and chilli powders and salt, together with half a cup of lukewarm water, and
cook on medium low heat for half an hour, keeping the saucepan covered with a lid.

Potato Tomato Curry

Potato Tomato Curry
(Alu Tamatar)
I came across this easy recipe, that utilizes the minimum of spices to yield a delicious curry.


1/2 lbs. potatoes, peeled, cooked and cubed

1/2 lbs. tomatoes, cubed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 tsp. salt or to taste, rock salt preferable

1 tsp. chilli powder (optional)

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tablespoon oil


Heat oil in a small non-stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the ginger paste and coriander powder for half a minute, before adding the potatoes and tomatoes, salt and chilli powder.
Cook until
done (about 10 minutes), add 1/2 cup warm water and simmer, and garnish with cilantro/coriander.

Peas & Potato Curry

Peas & Potato Curry

Popularly known as "Alu Matar", this one's a vegetarian veteran.


1 lb. shelled green peas

1 onion, pureed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tsp. turmeric

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 large potato, cooked and cubed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the onions, ginger and garlic, together with cumin and coriander powders for five minutes. Add potato, green peas, turmeric and chilli powders and salt together with half a cup of lukewarm water and cook on medium low heat for fifteen minutes. Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.

Potato & Spinach Curry

Potato & Spinach Curry

(Alu Saag)


1 lb. chopped spinach

1 lb. potatoes, cooked and cubed

2 tbsp. oil

1 large onion, pureed

1 large tomato, pureed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1/2 tsp. each cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders.

1 tsp. salt or to taste


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the onion and tomato, ginger and garlic
pastes, cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders together for five minutes. Add the chopped spinach and the potatoes, and cook for twenty five minutes on medium low heat with a cup of lukewarm water. Stir well to let the spinach blend with the spices and cover with a lid during cooking.

Chickpea Curry

Chickpea Curry

(Chole Masale)

Curried chickpeas have been going strong for years.


1 lb. canned chickpeas

1 large potato, cooked and cubed

1 tbsp. oil

1 large onion, pureed

1 large tomato, pureed

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1/2 tsp. each cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders.

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the onion and tomato, ginger and garlic
pastes, cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders together for a couple of minutes. Add the potatoes and chickpeas and 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and cook until done. Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.

Mushroom Curry

Mushroom Curry

I've noticed that fresh whole button mushrooms are a better option than the sliced ones sold in the supermarkets.


1/2 lb. mushrooms

1 small onion, chopped

1 tomato, sliced

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1/4 tsp. cumin powder

1/4 tsp. coriander powder

1/4 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 large potato, cooked peeled and cubed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

1 tbsp. oil


Heat the oil in a small non-stick frying pan (or skillet), and fry the onion and tomato, ginger and

garlic pastes together with cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders five minutes. Add the

mushrooms and potatoes, season with salt and cook for another five minutes until done.

Mixed Vegetable Curry

Mixed Vegetable Curry


6 small onions, quartered

6 small tomatoes, quartered

6 cauliflower florets

6 baby potatoes

1/2 lb. chickpeas

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tbsp. oil

1 tsp. salt or to taste


Heat oil in a non stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the onions, ginger and garlic, tomatoes and

potatoes for five minutes. Next, add the cauliflower florets, chickpeas and salt. Cook till done.

Cabbage & Potato Curry

Cabbage & Potato Curry


1 lb. shredded cabbage

2 onions chopped fine

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tsp. turmeric powder

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin seeds

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 large potato, cooked and cubed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and (or skillet) fry the onions, ginger and garlic, together with  cumin seeds and coriander powder for five minutes. Add potato, shredded cabbage, turmeric and  chilli powders and salt together with half a cup of lukewarm water and cook on medium low heat  for fifteen minutes. Garnish with cilantro/coriander leaves.

Cauliflower & Potato curry

Cauliflower & Potato curry

(Alu Gobi)

Cauliflower holds a special place in the Indian heart, especially since it is a seasonal vegetable to be prized in the all-to-short winter months.


1 lb. cauliflower florets

2 onions chopped fine

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. garlic paste

1 tsp. turmeric

1 tsp. chilli powder

1 tsp. cumin powder

1 tsp. coriander powder

1 large potato, cooked and cubed

1 tsp. salt or to taste

Cilantro/coriander leaves

1 tbsp. oil


Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and (or skillet) fry the onions, ginger and garlic, chopped
cilantro/coriander together with cumin and coriander powders for five minutes. Add potato,
cauliflower florets, turmeric and chilli powders and salt together with half a cup of lukewarm
water and cook on medium low heat for fifteen minutes. Mix well to ensure that the  vegetables blend with the spices. Be careful not to over cook the cauliflower. Garnish with
cilantro/coriander leaves.

Niknaks broodjie by braaivleis

Hierdie broodjie is glo heerlik saam met braaivleis of selfs met n lekker potjie.
(Voorverhit oond tot 180°C)

1 kg meel

1 pakkie Anchor gis
1 t sout
2 t olie
2 t suiker
1 groot pak Niknaks
2 uie gebraai
1 tl gemengde kruie
2 pakkies sampioene
Meng alles saam en knie  net genoeg louwarm water by om lekker deeg te vorm. Voeg dan 1 groot pak Niknaks, 2 gebraaide uie, 2 pakkies sampioene en 1 t gemengde kruie by. Sit in gesmeerde broodpannetjie en bak in voorverhitte oond van 180°C vir +45 min of tot gaar.



·         1,5 kg hoenderporsies (verkieslik sonder vel - ek gebruik graag ontbeende dyfilette)

·         2-3 teelepels olyfolie

·         125 g swoerdlose spek,  gekap

·         1 groot rooi soetrissie, in blokkies gesny

·         3-4 selderystingels, fyn gekap

·         1 pakkie sampioene, in skyfies gesny

·         1 koppie rou rys

·         300 ml hoenderaftreksel

·         150 ml droë witwyn

·         1 eetlepel tamatiepuree

·         Sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper

·         1 koppie bevrore of geblikte ertjies

So maak jy

1.       Geur en braai. Sprinkel sout en swartpeper oor die hoender porsies en braai hulle in verhitte olyfolie in die driepoot- of platboompot oor warm kole tot goudbruin aan al twee kante.

Skep dit uit en hou eenkant.

2.       Braai die vetjies uit. Braai die spek in dieselfde pot totdat al die vet uitgebraai is en die spek begin bros raak. Skep dit uit en hou dit by die hoender.

3.       Nou die groente se beurt. Braai die uie, soetrissie, seldery en sampioene vir 'n paar minute tot sag en glansend. Voeg die rou rys by en roer  totdat die bestanddele oraloor bedek is. Voeg die hoender en spek by.

4.       Maak nat. Voeg die hoender-aftreksel, droë witwyn en tamatiepuree by en geur dit na smaak met sout en swartpeper.

Verhit dit oor die kole totdat dit stadig prut en sit dan die deksel op. Laat die pot vir 50-60 minute prut en roer dit af en toe deur. Roer die ertjies in die laaste 15 minute by. Die potjie is reg sodra die rys al die vloeistof geabsorbeer het en die hoender en rys gaar is. Sit dit net so voor of met 'n groen slaai.