My Other Blogs

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


A traditional South African Cape Malay recipe, the taste is so rich and sugary. Boeber is traditionally served on the fifteenth night of Ramadan to celebrate the middle of the fast. The more sago you use, the thicker the boeber will be. On the other hand, the less sago you add the more liquid it will be.
100 g butter
75 ml sago
200 ml water to soak the sago
250 ml vermicelli
3 cinnamon sticks
5 cardamoms
50 g sultanas
2 litres milk
15 ml rose water (optional)
150 - 200ml white sugar (depending on your taste buds)
50 g blanched almonds

1.       Soak the sago in the water for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan.
2.       When it has melted, add the vermicelli and toss it so that the butter covers it and it starts to go golden brown.
3.       Add the cardamom, cinnamon and the sultanas.
4.       Stir before pouring the milk into the pan.
5.       Bring to the boil before adding the pre-soaked sago and then simmer for about 30 minutes stirring constantly otherwise it will stick. The sago should become transparent.
6.       Add the rose water (if using), sugar and almonds and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes or so. Serve hot and enjoy!!!
7.       Serve hot and prepare to enjoy this rich, spicy pudding or drink...


1 vel (400 g) blaardeeg /puff pastry
150 g cheddarkaas, gerasper
1 eier
15 ml melk

Verhit oond tot 200 °C. Rol blaardeeg 'n bietjie dunner en plaas helfte van kaas op een helfte daarvan.

Vou toe en rol weer dun uit. Herhaal proses totdat al die kaas in die deeg ingerol is.

Druk vorms daaruit en plaas op 'n bakplaat wat met gesmeerde bakpapier uitgevoer is. Klits eier en melk saam.

Verf poffertjies met die mengsel en plaas in warm oond. Bak vir 15 - 20 minute. Hou poffertjies in 'n lugdigte houer.

Hierdie idee is baie oulik vir enige vulsel wat jy wil gebruik, tuna mengsel, hoender, polonie, bully beef, maalvleis, wat van nutella, konfyt, karamel kondensmelk ens.

Chicken Akhni

Chicken Akhni
Serves 6

1kg chicken pieces
6 medium potatoes, peeled and halved
250ml (1 cup) boiling water
3 large onions, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
250ml (1 cup) buttermilk
1 large whole fresh green chilli, slit open
1 tablespoon garlic and ginger paste
1/2 cup chopped fresh dhanya
2 1/2 teaspoons salt, to taste
2 1/2 teaspoons red leaf masala
2 teaspoons ground jeera
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoons turmeric
1kg basmati rice
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 teaspoons jeera seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 bay leaves
6 cardamom pods, slit open
4 pieces of stick cinnamon
1/4 cup water

Wash the chicken pieces, drain and set aside. Pan-fry 1 chopped onion in 1 tablespoon of the butter until golden brown and set aside.

Place the chicken pieces in a large mixing bowl and add the buttermilk, green chilli, garlic and ginger paste, dhania, salt, red leaf masala, ground jeera, chilli powder, and turmeric. Mix thoroughly, ensuring that all of the chicken pieces are covered in the marinade. Set aside for 1 hour.

Rinse the rice in a colander, drain and place in a large pot on medium to high heat. Add water to reach halfway and 3 tablespoons salt. Boil till half-cooked (the rice grains should be firm). Transfer to a colander and rinse under cold running water. Drain and set aside.

Add the oil in a large cooking and heat. Add the remaining chopped onions along with the jeera seeds, mustard seeds, bay leaves, cardamom seeds and cinnamon and braise till golden in colour. Add the marinated chicken pieces and the potatoes along with the marinade, the 1/4 cup of water and simmer on medium heat for about 30 minutes, or till the potatoes are 3/4 cooked.

Spoon the rice directly on top. Pour the fried onion with the melted butter over the rice, and lastly pour the cup of water over the rice and onions. Steam, covered, on medium heat for 35 minutes. Serve with dhai (yoghurt sauce) and tomato & onion salad.

Note: All akhnis and breyanis should be dished from the bottom up.


Trippel melktert genot: Yskas-Melktert


2 pakkies tennis beskuitjies
1 Liter Melk
¼ kop suiker
1 Eier
1 Blikkie Kondensmelk
1 Hoogvol eetlepel vla-poeier
2 Eetl Mielieblom (maizena)

Maak pasta van die vla, mielieblom, suiker en eier

Verhit die melk & Kondensmelk tot kookpunt

Voeg die vla pasta by met 'n dun straaltjie terwyl jy aanhoudend roer en kook net 'n rukkie oor lae hitte tot gaar en dik.

Gooi die helfte vd beslag oor die kors, pak nog 'n laag beskuitjies en gooi die ander helfte oor

Strooi bietjie kaneel en gekrummelde Tennis beskuitjies bo-oor en laat heeltemal afkoel en stol

OREO Cookie Balls

One of the best reasons ever to crush your OREO Cookies. So rich and creamy, they're also the best reason ever to hang out by the dessert table.
What You Need
1 pkg.  (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
36 OREO Cookies, finely crushed (about 3 cups)
4 pkg.  (4 oz. each) BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, broken into pieces, melted
Make It
MIX cream cheese and cookie crumbs until blended.
SHAPE into 48 (1-inch) balls. Freeze 10 min. Dip balls in melted chocolate; place in single layer in shallow waxed paper-lined pan.
REFRIGERATE 1 hour or until firm.
Kraft Kitchens Tips
Special Extra
Sprinkle cookie balls with additional cookie crumbs.
Seasonal Variations
Snowmen OREO Cookie Balls: Prepare as directed, using BAKER'S White Chocolate, and adding a snowman face to each with decorating gels and frostings. Christmas Tree OREO Cookie Balls: Prepare as directed, using BAKER's White Chocolate, and using decorating frosting to draw Christmas tree designs. Top each with a cinnamon candy.
For Easier Dipping
Use a toothpick to dip the cookie ball into melted chocolate; shake off excess chocolate then place on waxed-paper.

Oudydse Melktert

3 koppies koekmeel
3 teelepels bakpoeier
3 eetlepels botter (rond vol)
Koue water om deeg mee aan te maak.
Meng droë bestanddele. Frummel botter in met vingerpunte. Maak sagte, rolbare deeg met koue water. Rol dun uit. Voer tertpanne uit en plaas in yskas solank vulsel voorberei word.
6 koppies melk
1 en halwe koppie suiker
6 eiers geskei - gele geklits en 2 witte styf geklits.
1 desertlepel botter (rond vol)
1 en driekwart koppie meelblom
1 teelepel essence
knippie sout
Kook 4 koppies melk.
Meng 2 koppies melk en meel.
Voeg by kookmelk en roer voortdurend.
Voeg gaar mengsel by eiergele en meng goed.
Voeg botter en suiker by.
Plaas terug op stoof en meng goed deur - roer aanhoudend.
Haal van stoof af, roer eierwitte by en voeg essense by.
Gooi in tert doppe.
Plaas hier en daar 'n klontjie botter.
Bak by 200 grade C vir sowat 35 tot 40 minute tot goudbruin bo-op.
Strooi kaneelsuiker oor.

Microwave Fudge (Annelize)

Microwave Fudge (serves 4-6)
If you feel like something sweet but don’t want to leave your house, follow this easy recipe and whip up scrumptious pieces of microwave fudge in no time. For a bit of variation, add 25 ml sifted cocoa after adding the vanilla, or add cherries and/or nuts.


1 can full cream condensed milk
100 g margarine
500 ml castor sugar
5 ml vanilla essence

1.Combine margarine, condensed milk and sugar in a large, deep, heat-resistant container.
2.Microwave on HIGH for 2 ½ minutes or until margarine is melted. Stir well to combine all the melted ingredients.
3.Microwave for 10 minutes on HIGH, stirring regularly.
4.When mixture is a light caramel colour, add vanilla essence.
5.Pour into lightly greased, flat container to set. When slightly cooled, cut into squares.


1 blikkie kondensmelk
4 koppies suiker
2 koppies melk
2 eetlepels stroop
2 eetlepels botter
2 teelepels vanilla essense
Kook suiker , stroop, melk botter en kondensmelk terwyl voortdurend geroer word.
Die fudge is reg as jy roer en die pot se boom
Begin raaksien, en aan die kant n skraapgeluid maak as jy roer. Voeg nou die vanilla essens by en roer deur
Gooi in vooraf bespuite pan of silikoon vormpies



For the choux pastry:
200ml cold water
½ tsp caster sugar
85g unsalted butter
Pinch salt
115g plain flour
4 medium eggs, beaten

For the cream filling:
600ml double cream
1 tbsp icing sugar

To complete:
175g plain chocolate, broken into pieces

1.       Preheat the oven to 200C.
2. To make the pastry, place the butter, water and sugar into a large saucepan.
3. Place over a low heat to melt the butter. Increase the heat and pour in the flour and salt all in one go.
4. Remove from the heat and quickly beat the mixture vigorously until a smooth paste is formed, stirring continuously to dry out the paste.
5. Once the paste curls away from the side of the pan, transfer the mixture into a large bowl and leave to cool for 10-15 minutes.
6. Beat in the eggs, a little at a time, stirring vigorously until the paste is smooth and glossy.
7. Continue adding the egg until you have a soft dropping consistency. The mixture will be shiny and smooth.
8. Lightly oil a large baking tray. Dip a teaspoon into some warm water and spoon out a teaspoon of the éclair mixture. Rub the top of the mixture with a wet finger and spoon on to the baking tray. This ensures a crisper topping.
9. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown, if too pale they will become soggy when cool.
10. Remove from the oven and prick the base of each éclair. Place onto the baking tray with the hole facing upwards and return to the oven for 5 minutes. The warm air from the oven helps to dry the middle of the profiteroles.
11. Prepare the filling: lightly whip the cream and icing sugar until soft peaks form. Do not over whip. When the éclairs are cold, cut the éclairs in half and spoon in the cream with a teaspoon.
12. Melt the chocolate over a pan of boiling water. Spoon the melted chocolate over the éclairs

Unbaked milk tart

Unbaked milk tart
If you're looking for a South-African dessert or afternoon tea-time treat that can be made on either the stove-top or in the microwave oven, instead of being baked in a conventional oven, you will find this unbaked milk tart to be quick, easy, creamy and delicious.

This tart must be served chilled, unlike a traditional baked milk tart that can be enjoyed either cold, or fresh from the oven.

• 1 can (397 gram) condensed milk
• 3 1/4 cups (800 ml) fresh milk (you can also the empty condensed milk cans as measure: you need 3 cans full of milk)
• 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon (75 ml) cornflour
• 1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) salt
• 2 eggs
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla essence, or vanilla seeds scraped from a vanilla pod
• 2 tablespoons (30 ml) butter
• 1 packet South African Tennis biscuits, or if not available, any other square or rectangular biscuit.


Microwave method
1. Combine condensed milk and 2 1/2 cans fresh milk together and heat until almost boiling. (This can take 5 to 8 minutes on high, depending on your microwave oven.)
2. Mix cornflour, salt, eggs and remaining 1/2 can of cold fresh milk together.
3. Add small quantities of the hot milk mixture to the egg mixture, to gradually increase its temperature without cooking the eggs.
4. Add the egg-and-milk mixture to the warm milk mixture while whisking briskly.
5. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes on high in the microwave oven, but remove every minute and stir well before continuing. It must be a very thick custard.
6. Add butter and vanilla.
7. Line a large enough dish with biscuits. It works great if you line a rectangular or square Pyrex dish with square, South-African manufactured Tennis biscuits, but any plain biscuits can be used. Fill gaps between biscuits with broken biscuit pieces.
8. Pour the warm mixture gently over the biscuit base.
9. Sprinkle with cinnamon and allow it to set for 3 to 4 hours in the fridge.
Stove-top method
1. Pour condensed milk and 2 1/2 tins of fresh milk into a saucepan and bring to simmer.
2. Use 1/2 cup cold milk to prepare a paste with the corn flour, and add to the boiling milk. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat.
3. Beat the eggs in a separate container and add spoonfuls of the thickened milk-mixture to slowly raise the temperature of the egg mixture until warm.
4. Add egg mixture to the thickened mixture while stirring continuously. Return to heat and cook slowly for a few minutes. It must be a very thick custard. Remove from heat.
5. Add butter and vanilla essence.
6. Pour into lined biscuits dish while mixture is still hot.
7. Dust with cinnamon. Allow it to set in the fridge, for 3 to 4 hours.

Omelette in a mug

For a fast, healthy breakfast, it doesn't get any easier than this omelette you can make in a mug.
1 large egg
2 egg whites
2 tbsp shredded cheddar cheese
1 tbsp diced green bell pepper
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Cooking spray
Combine egg, egg whites, cheddar cheese, bell pepper, salt, and ground pepper in a microwave-safe mug coated with non-stick spray. Microwave on high for 1 minute; stir. Return to microwave and cook until eggs are completely set, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes longer. Sprinkle cheese on top and serve.

Pro-Nutro Puffs

Pro-Nutro Puffs

Prep Time:
10 minutes
Cook Time:
25 minutes
These offer the health benefits of homemade whole-wheat rolls or muffins, with the added nutrient and flavour benefits of the breakfast cereal.


480 g SPAR cake flour (4 Cups)
20 ml baking powder
500 ml ProNutro whole-wheat cereal
5 ml salt
100 ml SPAR canola oil
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
500 ml SPAR milk
250 ml water

1. Preheat oven to 180ºC and grease 2 SPAR Good Living giant muffin pans.
2. Measure all the ingredients into a 3 litre SPAR Good Living porcelain mixing bowl.
3. Blend together using a wooden spoon. Do not over-mix.
4. Spoon mixture into prepared pans and bake for 25 minutes.
Hints and Tips

Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds before baking if you like.
The apple-bake ProNutro may be substituted for the whole-wheat, but keep in mind it will give a slightly sweeter result.



1 ltr milk
12 eggs
250ml sugar
Cardamon and cinnamon
Boil milk in a saucepan. Allow to cool. Whisk the eggs and sugar until light and fluffly. Add the cooled milk and mix well. Add the cardamon and cinnamon.

Recipe for Easy Milk Tart

Prep Time:
10 minutes
Cook Time:
15 minutes
With several shortcuts, you can still enjoy the creamy cinnamon flavours of this South African classic recipe in a fraction of the time and with very little fat too!
• 1 packet Cream Cracker biscuits
• 1 litre full-cream milk
• 1 vanilla pod
• 3 large eggs
• 250 ml white sugar
• 50 ml corn flour
• 25 ml cake flour
• 50 g butter
• Ground cinnamon for sprinkling over

*Recipe tested in 900 W microwave oven using 100% Power level throughout

1. Microwave the milk, butter and vanilla seeds together in a large heat-proof bowl for 3-4 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, crumble the biscuits into thumb-nail size pieces and use to generously cover the base and sides of a 23cm diameter shallow tart plate.

3. Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly together. Add both flours. Add this mixture into the hot milk, return it to the microwave and cook for 10 minutes, whisking regularly to ensure a smooth thick sauce.

4. Pour the sauce gently and evenly over the biscuits to fill the tart plate.

5. Set aside to cool down to room temperature, sprinkle generously with ground cinnamon and refrigerate until firm enough to slice into wedges.
Hints and Tips
• Slit the vanilla pod down its length, and with the knife tip, scrape out the seeds which resemble gritty black paste. Store the empty pod with your sugar to impart a vanilla flavour which is super for when you use it for baking.
• This tart keeps well covered in the fridge for up to 5 days.