My Other Blogs

Monday, December 9, 2013

Excellent Complete Nutrition Smoothie


1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1/4 cup blackberries
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 cup pineapples
1/2 cup oranges
1 cup honey flavored greek yogurt
1 handful spinach and/or kale leaves
1 cup water


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until thoroughly mixed and fluid.

Nutella Brownies

I am about to change your life. I am about to make you the happiest person on the planet. I am about to show you how to make brownies with only three ingredients. And I am going to exploit the inherent fantastical properties of Nutella in doing so.

See, Nutella already has fat, milk, and chocolate in it. Since those are the things you would normally be adding to traditional brownies separately, why not use a product that already has these things - and hazelnuts! See, you knew Nutella was amazing. But maybe you didn't realize its full potential. Until today - the day you met three-ingredient  Nutella brownies.

Go. Make these. Now.
1 cup (280g) Nutella
2 eggs
10 tbsp (62g) flour

Put it in a bowl. Mash it up. Pour into a pan or muffin tin. Top with hazelnuts if you're feeling extra fancy. Bake at 350F (180C) for around 30 minutes (less time for cupcake form, more time if the centres aren't baked through).

That's it. You're done. Eat them. Revel. Be amazed.

You're welcome.


3 koppies gerasperde Cheddarkaas
1 koppie gesnyde ham (in blokkies)
1 koppie rou elmboog macaroni
2 ¼ koppie melk
2 eiers
½ koppie Original Bisquick mengsel = ½ koppie meel, 1 teelepel bakpoeier, 1 eetlepel botter (meng meel en bakpoeier en vryf botter met jou vingers in – dit is bisquick mix)
¼ teelepel sout
Gekapte vars pietersielie (opsioneel)
Verhit oond tot 200 C. Spray 10-duim grootte bak met spray en cook
In groot bak, meng 2 koppies van die kaas, die ham en rou macaroni. Versprei dit in jou bak
Meng die melk en eiers tot glad. Voeg Bisquick mengsel en sout by en meng tot glad. Gooi oor die mengsel in tertbak.
Bak 35 tot 40 minute of tot mes plaas in die middel skoon uitkom. Besprinkel met oorblywende kaas. Plaas terug in die oond en Bak 1 tot 2 minute of langer totdat kaas gesmelt is. Laat staan 10 minute voor bediening. Besprinkel met pietersielie.

Die staantyd is belangrik sodat die gereg kan stol
Vervang die ham met spek stukkies wat reeds gaar gebraai is.

Pumpkin Bobotie

Serves: 6

Prep time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes

2 onions, chopped
30 g butter
1 kg pumpkin, peeled, diced, steamed and drained
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 slices brown bread, crusts trimmed
1¼ cups buttermilk
3 free-range eggs
¼ cup dried apricots, finely chopped
1 apple, peeled and grated
¼ cup seedless raisins
2 T brown sugar
1 T mild curry powder
Bay or lemon leaves
¼ t turmeric

For serving
Brown rice cooked with lentils
Mango atchar or chutney, or both

Cooking instructions:

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Gently cook the onion in the heated butter until meltingly soft and pale golden.

Mash the pumpkin and mix it with the onion.

Season to taste.

Tear the bread into bits and mash it with 65ml (¼ cup) of buttermilk and 1 beaten egg.

Mix with the apricot, apple, raisins, sugar, curry powder, lemon juice, pumpkin and onions, and salt and pepper to taste.

Turn into a buttered baking dish (one large dish or individual dishes), and stud with a few leaves.

Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes. B

eat the remaining 2 eggs with the rest of the buttermilk and the turmeric, and pour over the baked pumpkin.

Bake for 20 minutes or until the topping is set. Serve with brown and lentil rice and mango atchar.

Karamel Melktert

Genoeg vir 10-12 mense
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 15 minute
Afkoeltyd: oornag

250 g Tennis-koekies, fyn gedruk

200 g botter, gesmelt

1,5 L (6 k) melk

200 g suiker

3 eiers

100 g meel

100 g mieliemeelblom

10 ml (2 t) vanielje-ekstrak

50 g botter

ekstra 250 ml (1 k) melk

1 boksie (90 g) karamel-kitspoeding

250 ml (1 k) room

1 blik (360 g) karamelkondensmelk

1 blok (90 g) melksjokolade

1 Meng die koekies met die gesmelte botter en druk dit in die bodem van 'n diep, vierkantige 30 cm-bak vas. Laat koel af tot benodig.

2 Verhit 1 L (4 k) van die melk met die suiker 10 minute in 'n groot mikrogolfbestande bak.

3 Klits die eiers, oorblywende 500 ml (2 k) melk, meel, mieliemeelblom en vanielje-ekstrak in 'n ander bak tot glad.

4 Meng die meelmengsel met die warm melk en mikrogolf 12 minute terwyl jy elke 2 minute roer tot die mengsel dik is. Klits die botter in en laat afkoel.

5 Klits die ekstra melk en kitspoeding saam. Klits die room in 'n ander bak tot sagte pieke vorm en vou dit by die kitspoeding in.

6 Wanneer die vla afgekoel het, begin met die lae. Giet die vla oor die afgekoelde koekielaag, maak die karamelkondensmelk oor die vla glad en voeg dan die kitspoedingmengsel by. Rasper die sjokolade oor en verkoel oornag.




Voer broodpan, 21×11 cm uit met kleefpapaier en spuit met kossproei. ...
Breek 2 pakkies Tennis/Marie koekies in stukkies.
Roer 1 k cherries, deurgesny, by en 60 gr vrugtekoekmengsel en ook 50 gr gekapte neute.

In kastrol:
1 blikkie kondensmelk,
110 gr botter,
250 gr sjokolade en
2 t vanillageursel.. ….

Smelt saam en roer koekiemengsel by.
Meng goed deur en skep in broodpan.
Druk netjies plat en verkoel 2-3 ure.
Haal uit pan, met kleefpapier, haal papier af en sny in skywe.

Banana and Ginger Tart

Banana-Ginger Tart

•1 packet Moir's Ginger biscuits
•80ml butter or margarine, melted
•1 pie dish

•250ml water
•60ml Moir's Custard Powder
•pinch of salt
•3 ripe bananas
•250ml golden syrup
•5ml ground ginger
•125ml cream, stiffly whipped
•2,5ml Moir's Vanilla Essence

1.Crumble the biscuits and mix with the melted butter.
2.Press tightly into greased pie dish. Place in the fridge to cool.
3.Boil water and golden syrup.
4.Mix the custard powder with a bit of cold water and add to boiling syrup.
5.Add the ginger and salt and stir continuously until translucent.
6.Allow to cool until tepid. Add vanilla essence.
7.Cut bananas into small pieces and mix with stiffly whipped cream.
8.Fold into ginger mixture. Do not stir too much!
9.Mixture must appear streaky.
Spoon into crust and place in fridge.
Decorate to preference.

Caramel Milk Tart

Serves 10-12
Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time: 15 min
Chilling time: overnight

250 g Tennis biscuits, finely crushed

200 g butter, melted

1,5 litres milk

200 g sugar

3 eggs

100 g flour

100 g cornflour

10 ml (2 t) vanilla essence

50 g butter

extra 250 ml (1 c) milk

1 box (90 g) caramel instant pudding

250 ml (1 c) cream

1 can (360 g) caramel condensed milk

1 slab (90 g) milk chocolate


1 Mix the biscuits with the melted butter and press onto the bottom of a deep 30 cm square dish. Chill until needed.

2 In a large microwave-proof bowl heat 1 litre (4 c) of the milk with the sugar for 10 min.

3 In a separate bowl beat the eggs, remaining 500 ml (2 c) milk, flour, cornflour and vanilla essence until smooth.

4 Mix the flour mixture with the hot milk and microwave for 12 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until the mixture is thick. Beat in the butter and leave to cool.

5 Whisk the extra milk and instant pudding together. In a separate bowl whisk the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the instant pudding.

6 When the custard is cooled, start the layering. Pour the custard over the chilled biscuit layer, smooth the caramel condensed milk over the custard, then add the instant pudding mixture. Grate the chocolate over and refrigerate overnight.

Creamy Custard Slices

Creamy Custard Slices


1 roll of bought Puff Pastry

Tip: A popular alternative to the puff pastry case is to use Cream Crackers, which are just as delicious and don't require baking.


45 ml (3 tbsp) Cornflour
750 ml (3 cups) Milk
45 ml (3 tbsp) Huletts White Sugar
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs, beaten
5 ml (1 tsp) Butter
5 ml (1 tsp) Vanilla Essence OR Almond Essence

Vanilla Glacé Icing

250 ml (1 cup) Huletts Icing Sugar
30 ml Hot Water
Pinch of Salt
2 ml Vanilla Essence


Cut the pastry into two equal sheets and place onto baking paper. Prick the pastry a few times.Chill the pastry and then bake it in a very hot oven (230ºC) for 10 minutes.
Leave to cool before filling.


Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk.Heat the rest of the milk, sugar and salt to boiling point. Add the cornflour mixture, stir well and cook until thick.Add the hot mixture to the beaten eggs, stir and heat together until the mixture just reaches boiling point. Remove from the heat and add the butter and vanilla or almond essence.
Leave until well cooled and spread the filling on one crust, placing the other on top.

Vanilla Glacé Icing

Mix the hot water and icing sugar together. Add the salt and essence and beat until smooth.
Drizzle the icing over the tart and cut into squares just before serving.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oreo Droomvanger Yskastert

Jy het nodig:
1 groot pak Oreo kookies, grof gebreek
1 liter vanilla roomys, sag, maar nog gevries
1 bottel fudge of karamelstroop (wat jy koop vir roomys)
1 1/2 koppie peanuts liggies gekap
1 liter geklopte room
kokao vir versier
sjokolade krulle of gerasperde sjokolade of kokao
So gemaak:
1. In die vierkantige glasbak, sprei die gebreekte oreo koekies mooi eweredig oor die oppervlak.
2. Sprei die sagte vanilla roomys liggies bo-oor die koekies , plaas in vrieskas tot roomys weer goed geset het
3. Gooi genoeg fudge/karamel stroop bo -oor roomys
4. Sprinkel eweredig die peanuts bo oor sous.
5. Sprei nou die room eweredig bo- oor die peanuts..
6. Sprinkel met kakao, sit in vrieskas tot goed geset..
Versier met krulle, of sjokolade raspers……sny in blokke, geniet dadelik…. Jy kan ekstra stroop bo op gooi met opdiening.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kahlua Chocolate Banana Nut Bread


2 cups Flour
2/3 cup Cocoa
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 cups Sugar
1 cup Butter
4 Eggs
2 Tbl Kahlua
4-5 Ripe Bananas (mashed)
1 cup (or more) Chopped Walnuts


Preheat oven 350*F/180C
In a bowl, sift dry ingredients together, or blend using a fork.
Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream sugar and butter together.
Add the eggs until well blended.
Add Kahlua and Bananas to the mixture until creamy.
Add and blend in the dry ingredients into the mixture on low until well mixed.
Add chopped walnuts.
Spray 2 loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray and add your dough to pans until half way full.
Bake at 350*F/180C for 55-60 minutes or until toothpick stuck into center of loaf comes out clean.

Makes 2 loaf's

Vicki L Theobald Brearley

Pumpkin, cheese and rosemary muffins



Serves:                 Makes 6 muffins


Prep time:           20 minutes

Cooking time:    20 minutes



175 g stoneground wholemeal flour

½ cup organic rolled oats

2 t baking powder

¼ t salt

100 g organic Cheddar, grated

120 g organic pumpkin, cooked and seasoned

4 organic eggs

½ cup organic olive oil, plus extra for greasing freshly ground black pepper

60 g organic feta, cut into large cubes

3-4 T grated Parmesan

a few sprigs rosemary


Cooking instructions:


Preheat the oven to 190°C.


In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and oats with the baking powder and salt. Mix in the Cheddar.


Blend the pumpkin with the eggs and olive oil and add to the bowl, mixing well with a fork. Add a twist or two of pepper.


Brush 6 extra-large muffin pans with oil, then spoon in the muffin mixture and bury a cube of feta in each one.


Sprinkle with Parmesan and tuck a sprig of rosemary into each. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden and baked through.


Allow to stand for a few minutes before turning out. Serve warm, while the feta is still molten and gooey.




Pink Velvet Cake Balls/truffles




Here's a Cute idea..


Pink Velvet Cake Balls/truffles!


Just make your favourite vanilla cake, add a few drops AmeriColor Deep Pink food coloring.


Mix with your favourite vanilla frosting and roll into balls, chill and dip in milk/dark chocolate and decorate with white choc....


So simple and yummy!

Prawn salad



Serves 6

Preparation time: 20 min

Cooking time: 10 min





30 ml (2 T) coriander seeds

20 ml (4 t) chilli flakes

500 ml (2 c) good olive oil



125 ml (½ c) water

125 ml (½ c) sugar

juice and rind of 1 lemon

½ cucumber, deseeded and cut into tiny cubes

1 red pepper, roasted, skin removed and cubed

20 ml (4 t) chopped fresh coriander



2 medium-size red tomatoes, cut into eighths and deseeded

3 avocados, peeled and cut into thin semicircles salt and pepper lemon juice

200 g large prawns, shelled and vein removed but retain tails SALAD rocket leaves CORIANDER OIL Toast the coriander seeds and chilli flakes in a dry pan over medium heat until fragrant.

Add the oil and heat until hot. Remove from heat and leave to stand until cold.

Drain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Set aside.



Pour the water into a pot, add the sugar and stir over medium heat until dissolved.

Add the lemon juice and rind, bring to the boil and continue boiling until a little syrupy but not thick (about 7 minutes).

Leave to cool.

Add the cucumber, red pepper and fresh coriander to the syrup and set aside.



Season the tomatoes and avocados with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little lemon juice to prevent discoloration.

Heat a little of the coriander oil and stir-fry the prawns until slightly pink.

Drain on kitchen paper.



Arrange a few rocket leaves and tomato and avocado slices on small plates, top with 2-3 prawns and a good spoonful of dressing.




Caramel milk tart




250 g Tennis biscuits, finely crushed

200 g butter, melted

1,5 litres milk

200 g sugar

3 eggs

100 g flour

100 g cornflour

10 ml (2 t) vanilla essence

50 g butter

extra 250 ml (1 c) milk

1 box (90 g) caramel instant pudding

250 ml (1 c) cream

1 can (360 g) caramel condensed milk

1 slab (90 g) milk chocolate


1 Mix the biscuits with the melted butter and press onto the bottom of a deep 30 cm square dish. Chill until needed.

2 In a large microwave-proof bowl heat 1 litre (4 c) of the milk with the sugar for 10 min.

3 In a separate bowl beat the eggs, remaining 500 ml (2 c) milk, flour, cornflour and vanilla essence until smooth.

4 Mix the flour mixture with the hot milk and microwave for 12 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes until the mixture is thick. Beat in the butter and leave to cool.

5 Whisk the extra milk and instant pudding together. In a separate bowl whisk the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the instant pudding.

6 When the custard is cooled, start the layering. Pour the custard over the chilled biscuit layer, smooth the caramel condensed milk over the custard, then add the instant pudding mixture. Grate the chocolate over and refrigerate overnight.




Chocolate Lasagne


1 box oreo cookies (do not use the double stuffed)
6 Tblsp butter melted
250g Cream Cheese
1/4 c. sugar
2 Tblsp cold milk
1 containerOrley Whip
2 pkgs instant chocolate pudding ( the smaller pkgs)
3 1/4 c. cold milk
1 1/2 c. mini chocolate chips


– crush pkg of oreos ( recommend using a blender, the cream filling stuck to my ziploc bag! lol)
Stir in 6 tblsp melted butter. Press into bottom of 13×9 pan. Put in the fridge.
–Mix cream cheese in mixer until fluffy. Add the 2 tblsp cold milk,sugar, and mix well. Stir in 1 1/4 c. of the cool whip. Spread over crust.
– Combine both pkgs of pudding and the 3 1/4 c. milk. whisk until thickened. spread over cream cheese layer. Allow to rest for 5 min. Spread remaining coolwhip over pudding layer, and sprinkle with 1 1/2 c mini chocolate chips. Place in fridge for at least 4 hrs to set. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Funfetti Gooye Bars


1 yellow cake mix
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, softened
1 egg
2/3 cup sprinkles, divided
1/2 cup (from a 14 ounce can) sweetened condensed milk
1 cup white chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9x9" pan with foil and spray liberally with cooking spray.
Add cake mix, butter, and egg to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment.
Mix until a thick dough forms.
Add 1/3 cup sprinkles and stir until incorporated.
Press about 2/3 of the dough into the bottom of the prepared pan.
Sprinkle with white chocolate chips and remaining 1/3 cup sprinkles.
Pour sweetened condensed milk over the top. Separate remaining dough into small balls and evenly space over the top of the bars.
Press down to flatten.
Bake bars for about 30 minutes, or until they just begin to brown.
Cool completely before slicing, otherwise the mixture will be too gooey to cut.

Optional: eat straight from pan with a fork.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


It always works out and does not fail to impress. You can even make it at the end of a dinner party when you have had a couple of glasses of bubbly!

Serves 8 to 12


•1 packet rich chocolate cake mix
•1 packet chocolate instant pudding mix
•2 eggs
•1/3 cup vegetable oil
•1 cup lemonade
•Toblerone chocolate sauce
•200g toblerone chocolate
•¼ cup/125ml thickened cream
•2 tsp Tia Maria, Kahlua or Baileys


1.Lightly grease a microwave safe ring cake pan with butter to avoid sticking.
2.Place cake mix and pudding mix in bowl and stir to combine
3.Add eggs, oil, lemonade and stir to combine.
4.Pour evenly into cake pan and place in microwave, elevate off base of microwave (use a dinner plate turned upside down).
5.Cook on high for 7-9 minutes.
6.Remove and set aside to cool for a short time. Allow to stand for 5 minutes before turning out.
7.Turn cake out onto serving plate.
8.To make the chocolate sauce place chocolate and cream in microwave jug.
9.Cook for 1 minute on high.
10.Remove and stir using a spatula.
11.Continue process for 30 seconds each time until the chocolate is melted and combines well with cream.
12.Add Tia Maria, Kahlua or Baileys.
13.Pour chocolate sauce over the cake and serve with double cream.


(4 porsies)


½K (125 ml) bruin rys
½K (125 ml) lensies
½K (125 ml) gort
3 K (750 ml) water
1 t (5 ml) gegeurde sout
1 E (15 ml) botter of olie
62,5ml gekapte pietersielie
3/4 K (187,5 ml) gerasperde wortel


Mikrogolf die rys, lensies, gort en water 20 minute saam in 'n toe bak by HOOG (100 %).
Maak los met 'n vurk en voeg die oorblywende bestanddele by. Meng deur en laat 'n paar minute staan.
Hierdie rys vries besonder goed en is ewe lekker met hoender of geroosterde vis.


Feeling like Asian food?
Try out this fried rice recipe you can make in the microwave!

You will need the following:

1 cup rice (I use long grain, Jasmine or Basmati)
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup chopped vegetables (fresh or frozen)
1 medium chopped onion
2 slices bacon, chopped
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon tomato sauce (ketchup)
1 tablespoon soy sauce


Combine ingredients and microwave!


Serves: 4
Allergens: Wheat free

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes

1 1/2 cups cream
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1 t vanilla extract
1/2 cup grated palm sugar
4 egg yolks, beaten

Cooking instructions:

Preheat the oven to 180 C.

Place a saucepan over a medium to low heat and add the cream,coconut, vanilla extract and palm sugar. Bring to a simmer and stir until the sugar dissolves.

Remove from the heat and pour into a mixing bowl, along with the egg yolks. Whisk until combined, then transfer to a heatproof dish.

Place the dish in a bain-marie (or in a larger baking dish filled with a shallow pool of water) and bake for 20 minutes, or until the pudding is golden and set.

Remove from the oven and refrigerate to set before serving.


2 x 250 g tubs mascarpone
1 cup fresh cream
1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out
2 Madeira loaf cakes
1 cup strong black coffee
1/3 cup Kahlua
100 g organic dark chocolate, grated
cocoa powder, to dust

Cooking instructions:

In a large mixing bowl, whisk the mascarpone, cream and vanilla seeds until combined. Cut the Madeira cakes into slices and dip each slice into the coffee. Arrange the slices to cover the bottom and sides of your serving dish. Drizzle over the Kahlua and any remaining coffee. Spread the mascarpone mixture over the cake slices and scatter over the chocolate.

Dust generously with cocoa powder and chill overnight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Milo Balls


1 x 250g packet Marie biscuits, crushed
1 tin sweetened condensed milk
4 tablespoons Milo or 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 cup coconut
extra coconut for rolling


In a large bowl crush biscuits until small or fine. (This works well in a food processor if you have one!)

Add the Milo, coconut and condensed milk and mix until well combined.

Roll teaspoonfuls into balls with your hands and then roll in coconut to coat.

Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm.

Store in refrigerator.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Porsies: 2 dosyn


1 koppie klapper + ekstra
4 koppie dadels, ontpit en grof gekap
skil van een lemoen
45 ml lemoensap
2 koppies gepofde rys ( Rice Crispies)


Meng die klapper, dadels en lemoenskil in ‘n voedselverwerker met net genoeg van die lemoensap om ‘n growwe mengsel te maak.
Roer die gepofde rys by.
Rol klein balletjies van die mengsel en rol in klapper.
Verpak in ‘n lugdigte houer.

Coconut Ice


900g Selati white sugar
300ml milk
300g desiccated coconut
Few drops of pink food colouring
Popping candy (optional)


Place the sugar and milk into a heavy based saucepan and stir until the sugar has dissolved completely.
Bring to a boil, cover and boil for 3 minutes.
Uncover and boil for a further 3-5 minutes or until the mixture reaches soft ball stage.
Remove from the heat and add the coconut and stir well.
Quickly pour half the mixture into a greased 22cm lined pan.
Colour the rest of the mixture with pink food colouring and pour over the white layer.
Sprinkle with popping candy, if desired.
Allow to set slightly before cutting into squares with a greased knife.
Allow to set completely.

Almond and Cranberry Nougat


2 sheets edible rice paper
560g Selati White sugar
80ml water
500g glucose syrup
2 egg whites, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla essence
200g whole blanched almonds, toasted
100g dried cranberries


Line a deep rectangular baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
Lay the rice paper in the baking tray, cutting it to fit snuggly into the pan.
Place the sugar and water in a medium saucepan.
Use a wet spoon to spoon the glucose syrup into the pan.
Place the pan over medium-low heat.
Stir with a wooden spoon, brushing down the sides of the pan occasionally with a pastry brush dipped in warm water, until the sugar dissolves (this will take about 10 minutes).
Place a sugar thermometer into the pan and cook the syrup to 140C.
When the sugar syrup reaches 140°C, immediately remove the pan from the heat.
Place the egg whites into the bowl of a mixer and whisk until soft peaks form.
With the beater on medium speed, slowly pour hot syrup into the egg whites in a thin, steady stream.
Don't pour the syrup down side of the bowl or onto the whisk as it may set before being incorporated into egg whites.
Once all the syrup is incorporated, whisk for a further 3 minutes or until the mixture is thick and glossy.
Use a metal spoon to fold the almonds, cranberries and vanilla essence into egg white mixture until well combined.
It is important to work quickly or the nougat will begin to set.
Also make sure the nuts and vanilla essence are at room temperature - if they are cold, the mixture will set too rapidly, making it difficult to transfer to the pan.
Quickly pour the nougat evenly into the lined pan using a spatula to scrape down the side of the bowl.
Use the spatula or the back of a spoon dipped in hot water to spread the nougat evenly into the pan and smooth the surface.
Place the remaining rice paper over the top of the nougat and press down gently.
Set aside in a cool, dry place until set (2 – 4 hours).
Lift the nougat from the pan and place on a cutting board.
Use a serrated knife in a sawing motion to cut the nougat into pieces.
Store nougat in a clean, dry airtight container, separating layers with non-stick baking paper.

No Cook Fudge

30 portions

For this recipe you can use Stork Packet or Stork Tub but we would not recommend Stork Baking Liquid.


175g Stork Margarine
Half a 405g can sweetened condensed milk
800g icing sugar, sieved
55g dried cherries
55g dried blueberries
55g walnuts, chopped
Icing sugar, to dust


Put the Stork and condensed milk into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth.
Gradually work in the icing sugar, cherries, blueberries, and walnuts, then knead slightly.
Dust a surface with icing sugar, turn the mixture out onto it, and roll to around ½ inch thick.
Cut into whatever shapes take your fancy, and leave to harden overnight.

Finger Food / Vinger Happie


Klaar voorafbereide deeg, uitgerol en in sirkels gesny. 
Maak kepe in, vul met jou vulsel soos bv tuna mayonaise of chicken mayo of spinasie met feta ens.
Rol op soos stappe op foto.
Bak in oond by 180 C tot goudbruin en opgepof.

Thursday, August 22, 2013




1 cup buttermilk

1/4 stick butter, melted

3/4 cup grated sharp Cheddar

1/3 cup shortening

1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 cup self-rising flour





Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together using a fork; cut in shortening until it resembles cornmeal.

Add cheese.

Stir in buttermilk all at 1 time just until blended.

Do not over stir.

Drop by tablespoonful’s, or use an ice cream scoop, onto a well-greased baking sheet.

Brush dough with melted butter.

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes.



Line a baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.

In mixing bowl, beat peanut butter and butter until combined.

Add sugars and mix well.

You should be able to roll mixture into small balls without sticking to your hands.

If needed, add more powdered sugar until it is easy to roll.

Take each ball and sandwich between two pretzels.

Place on wax paper.

When done, stick in the freezer for a few minutes.

Melt the chocolate.

Dip each pretzel bite halfway into the chocolate and place on wax paper to set.




Gooi jou gunsteling-muesli hierin en gee die koekies 'n gesonde knarserigheid

Ongeveer 20 blokkies




• 600 g melksjokolade

• 300 g (625 ml) muesli

• stokkies om in die sjokoladeblokkies te druk

• klein papierbakkies (soos vir muffins, net kleiner)




Kry ’n glasbak of ’n metaalbak wat oor ’n kastrol pas.

Maak die kastrol vol water, maar nie té vol nie. As jy die bak bo-op die kastrol sit, moet die water nie aan die bak raak nie.

Haal eers weer die bak af en laat die water in die kastrol kook.

Breek solank die sjokolade in blokkies en gooi dit in die bak wat oor die kastrol pas.

Sit die bak oor die kastrol wanneer die water kook en laat staan so. Skakel die plaat af. Die sjokolade sal nou smelt. Jy kan so elke nou en dan ’n roer gee.

Wanneer die sjokolade gesmelt het, gooi die muesli by en meng goed.

Gebruik silikoonysbakkies en maak hulle vol met die sjokolademengsel.

Laat dit eers ’n bietjie staan voor jy ’n stokkie in elkeen indruk. Jy kan die sjokolade in die yskas laat hard word, maar dis beter om dit net op ’n koel plek te laat staan tot dit hard is. (Die sjokolade kan lelik wit word as jy dit in die yskas sit.)

Haal die blokkies uit en sit elkeen in ’n klein papierbakkie.




• 12-14 ounces, (440g) weight chocolate or candy melts

• 24 marshmallows

• preferred toppings (sprinkles, chopped nuts, chopped mints, melted chocolate for drizzling)





Melt the chocolate/candy melts according to package direction

Using a skewer, dip each marshmallow in the chocolate and turn upright, then slide a fork under the marshmallow with the skewer fitting in between the fork tines, and gently pull the skewer out. Using the skewer carefully push the marshmallow from the bottom off of the fork onto wax paper surface.

Before chocolate hardens, sprinkle with favourite toppings.



Serving size: Makes 24


Coconut Balls

Coconut Balls are a classic holiday candy, beloved by all ages.

These are so delicious, but very rich.

I halved the recipe and still had more than enough.






14 ounces (440g) sweetened condensed milk

1 stick (½ cup)butter

14 ounces (440g) coconut

2 cups chopped nuts

2 lbs (1kg) powdered sugar

Ghirardelli Chocolate Candy Making Block (or your choice) (I only melt half at a time)





Mix all ingredients except chocolate, chill and roll into balls.

Let stand 1 hour in refrigerator.

Dip each candy into melted chocolate.

No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Coconut Bites



1 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil (unrefined is important here for the coconut flavor)

2 cups rolled oats (not instant oats)

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup chopped pecans

1 1/4 cups dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Optional: toasted coconut for topping



Melt the peanut butter, honey and coconut oil in a medium size saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir frequently as the mixture melts.

When it has melted, remove from the heat and stir in the remaining ingredients.

Stir until the chocolate has melted and the ingredients are well combined.

Pour into an 8x8 pan (9x13 is fine well).

Refrigerate until the chocolate hardens, at least 3-4 hours. Slice into 1"-2" square pieces.

Store in the refrigerator.

Coconut Ice - No Cook

No cook, quick to make and super addictive!

Only 5 ingredients...



350g Desiccated coconut (3.5 cups)

405g Sweetened condensed milk (1 cup)

350g Sieved icing sugar/confectioners’ sugar (3 cups)

1/2 Teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 Drops of red food colouring



You will need a 24cm (9 1/2 inches) cake tin that is about 4cm (1 1/2 inches) deep. Line this tin with baking paper and grease it with a little butter.

Into a mixing bowl, add the coconut, condensed milk, vanilla extract and icing sugar and stir really well until all ingredients are combined.

Then take out half of the mixture and lay out flat and evenly in the tin

With the other half add the drops of food colouring and mix in - add more if you want the colour to be stronger. Then layer this over the white layer in the tin.

Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours, it's better if you can make this the evening before and let it set overnight. Once set, cut into bite sized squares and enjoy!

Rocky Road Chocolate Drops

Makes 12

The perfect lunchbox treat!


500g milk chocolate, finely chopped

1 cup mini Marie biscuits

1 cup mini marshmallows

1 cup salted peanuts



Line a 12 muffin pan with paper muffin cups.

In a Bain Marie, melt the chocolate gently.

Stir the biscuits, marshmallows and peanuts into the chocolate, making sure that everything is evenly distributed.

Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the muffin cups and allow to cool completely in the fridge for the chocolate to set.



Tip: Substitute the milk chocolate for dark chocolate or white chocolate for some variety.

Peppermint Dreams


Makes ±30




390 g (750 ml) Icing Sugar

150 ml condensed milk

a few drops peppermint essence

green food colouring

100 g dark cooking chocolate, melted




Sieve the icing sugar into a bowl.

Add enough of the condensed milk to mix until smooth and fairly firm.

Add the peppermint essence and work evenly through the mixture.

Colour the mixture pale green with a few drops green food colouring.

Roll mixtures into small balls.

Place on a baking tray and press down with a fork.

Allow to set.

Dip each peppermint cream half way into the melted chocolate and allow again to set

Herbed Chicken Meatballs on Spaghetti





•             500 gram Chicken mince

•             ½ Onion, finely chopped

•             5 millilitre Crushed chillies

•             5 millilitre Fresh thyme leaves, chopped

•             100 gram Carrots, grated

•             1 KNORR Home-style Meatballs Dry Cook-in-Sauce

•             250 millilitre Basil leaves

•             1 Garlic clove, crushed

•             2 tomatoes, chopped

•             10 millilitre Olive oil

•             250 gram Spaghetti, cooked

•             50 gram Parmesan cheese shavings






1.            Place the mince, onion, chillies, thyme leaves, carrots, KNORR Fresh Ideas Homestyle Meatballs sachet contents and 100 ml water in a bowl and mix well.

2.            Shape the mince into evenly sized balls and shallow fry in batches until golden brown.

3.            Blend basil leaves, garlic and tomatoes and oil and toss through hot spaghetti.

4.            Serve with meatballs and garnish with shavings of cheese.


Indiese hoenderkerrie


(8 porsies)




    2 pakke hoenderporsies


    2 uie, fyngekap

    3 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap

    15 ml hoendermasala

    30 ml borrie

    4 kardamomsade

    5 ml fyn gemmer

    5 ml fyn koljander

    5 ml fyn vinkel

    2 ster-anys-sade

    10 ml fyn komyn

    5 ml fyn kaneel of 1 heel kaneelstok

    5 ml droë brandrissies

    1 blik gekapte tamatie

    sap van 1 suurlemoen

    1 blik klappermelk

    sout en vars gemaalde swartpeper na smaak

    hand vol vars koljander, grofgekap





Ek maak gewoonlik eers die hoender in die oond gaar. Verhit jou oond tot 180 °C. Plaas die hoenderstukke in ’n oondbak en gooi ’n bietjie olyfolie oor. Geur met sout en swartpeper. Bak vir sowat 45 minute tot goudbruin. Intussen kan jy met die sous begin - verhit nog ’n bietjie olyfolie in ’n groot oondkastrol. Braai die gekapte uie sag, maar nie bruin nie. Voeg al die speserye (buiten die vars koljander) by die uie en braai vir 1 minuut. Haal die hoender uit die oond en voeg die speserymengsel by. (Moenie die oond afsit nie, want die gereg gaan terug oond toe.) Voeg die suurlemoensap, geblikte tamatie en klappermelk by. Meng versigtig deur en geur met sout en swartpeper. Bedek die kastrol met ’n deksel en plaas terug in die oond. Laat dit vir nog ’n uur en ’n half kook. Kyk elke nou en dan dat die sous nie wegkook nie. As dit gebeur, kan jy ’n bietjie water byvoeg. Voeg die vars koljander by net voor jy die hoender voorsit.


Vervang die hoender met lams- of beesvleis vir ’n heerlike vleiskerrie. Jy gebruik die res van die resep net so. Ek gebruik gewoonlik ’n ontbeende lamsboud wat ek in blokkies sny. Vir die beesvleiskerrie gebruik ek sowat 4 kruisskyfstukke (rump steaks), in blokkies sny. Sit voor saam met ingelegde suurlemoen-atjar, komkommer met jogurt, gesnyde piesangs en tamatie-sambal.

Basmatirys is ’n moet saam met dié kerrie.


Walnut marshmallow whips

Walnut marshmallow whips ~ Expresso Show and Selati

Makes 12


500g milk or dark baking chocolate, melted plus extra

2 ½  tsp powdered gelatine

¾ cup cold water, divided

½ cup Selati white sugar

¼ cup glucose syrup

Pinch of salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

12 whole walnut halves


    Brush the melted chocolate into the bottom of 12 round silicone or chocolate moulds to form a chocolate cup. Leave a little chocolate over for finishing. You could also use foil cupcake wrappers to do this. Allow to set until firm.
    Make the marshmallow by sprinkling the gelatine over half a cup of cold water. Set aside.
    Combine the remaining water, sugar, syrup and salt in a saucepan and set over medium heat.
    Dissolve the sugar making sure there is no unwanted granules left that will make the syrup crystallize. Cook till the syrup reaches 118 C on a sugar thermometer. Remove from heat.
    Gradually pour the hot syrup over the softened gelatin mixture. Using a stand up mixer beat for about 6 minutes or until thick. Add the vanilla.
    Quickly put in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle tip. Pipe the mixture into the chocolate cups. To finish off, pour the remaining chocolate over the marshmallow, to seal the walnut whip.
    When the chocolate is completely set, turn them over. Use the remaining chocolate as a “glue” to stick the walnut on top of each.


500g milk or dark baking chocolate, melted plus extra
2 ½ tsp powdered gelatine
¾ cup cold water, divided
½ cup Selati white sugar
¼ cup glucose syrup
Pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
12 whole walnut halves


Brush the melted chocolate into the bottom of 12 round silicone or chocolate moulds to form a chocolate cup.
Leave a little chocolate over for finishing.
You could also use foil cupcake wrappers to do this.
Allow to set until firm.
Make the marshmallow by sprinkling the gelatine over half a cup of cold water.
Set aside.
Combine the remaining water, sugar, syrup and salt in a saucepan and set over medium heat.
Dissolve the sugar making sure there is no unwanted granules left that will make the syrup crystallize.
Cook till the syrup reaches 118 C on a sugar thermometer.
Remove from heat.
Gradually pour the hot syrup over the softened gelatin mixture.
Using a stand up mixer beat for about 6 minutes or until thick.
Add the vanilla.
Quickly put in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle tip.
Pipe the mixture into the chocolate cups.
To finish off, pour the remaining chocolate over the marshmallow, to seal the walnut whip.
When the chocolate is completely set, turn them over.
Use the remaining chocolate as a “glue” to stick the walnut on top of each.

The Rebel Within Muffin - Chef Ron

Kyk hierdie lekker ontbyt idee !!! Ongelukkig mag ek volgens die blad NIE die volledige resep in FB plaas nie, dit is hoekom ek die skakel moet gee - maar glo my - die word definitief  Sondag oggend gemaak vir ontbyt :

“The Rebel Within” is a savory breakfast muffin with breakfast sausage baked into the mix, plus a full soft-cooked farm egg inside


• 1 Cup all purpose flour
• 1 t sugar
• ½  t baking powder
• ½  t salt
• ½  t pepper
• 1 Cup cottage cheese
• ¼  Cup sour cream
• 4 T unsalted butter, melted and cool
• 1 large eggs
• 4 soft boiled eggs, peeled (recommend a 5 to 6 minute easy boil)
• 1 onion minced
• ¼ cup  diced ham
<3 Rens
From the Webpage -

“The Rebel Within” is a savory breakfast muffin with breakfast sausage baked into the mix, plus a full soft-cooked farm egg inside.

  • 1 C all purpose flour
  • 1 t sugar
  • 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 t pepper
  • 1 C cottage cheese
  • 1/4 C sour cream
  • 4 T unsalted butter, melted and cool
  • 1 large eggs
  • 4 soft boiled eggs, peeled (recommend a 5 to 6 minute easy boil)
  • 1 scallion, minced
  • 1/4 C diced ham

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 400. Lightly grease a 6-cup muffin tin. We used a tin that makes larger than usual muffins.
2. Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and pepper together in large bowl. In separate bowl whisk cottage cheese, sour cream, melted butter, eggs, scallions and ham together. Gently fold wet mixture into dry until just combined (do not overmix).
3. Fill muffin tin halfway with batter and then lay the peeled soft-boiled eggs in and cover with remaining batter to cover. Bake until golden brown, about 25 to 35 minutes, rotating the tin halfway through.
4. Let them cool in the tin for about 5 minutes and then remove from the tin and serve.

From the Webpage -

Chocolate peanut butter mousse tart

Chocolate peanut butter mousse tart

Serves 10-12

Chocolate pastry
¼ cup cocoa, plus extra for dusting
185g cake flour
125g Stork Bake, chilled and cubed
½ cup icing sugar
3 egg yolks
2 tbsp ice cold water 

Peanut butter mousse filling
1 cup chocolate spread
170g smooth cream cheese
¾ cup icing sugar
1 tsp salt
1 ¼ cups smooth peanut butter
1 tbsp vanilla
2 cups cream, whipped stiffly

To decorate
Chocolate spread, melted
Smooth peanut butter, melted
Caramel sauce (optional)
Chopped chocolate peanut butter bars
Place the cocoa, flour, margarine and icing sugar in a food processor and process until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Gradually add the egg yolks and water to form a dough.
Flatten into a disc, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Roll the pastry out to 3mm thick and line a 24cm loose-bottomed tart tin, trimming the edges and prick the base with a fork.
Refrigerate again for 30 minutes then bake blind* at 180C for 15 minutes, remove the paper and weights and bake for another 10-15 minutes until crisp. Allow to cool.
Spread the base with the chocolate spread.
Make the filling by beating the cream cheese, icing sugar and salt until fluffy then beat in the peanut butter and vanilla. Fold in the whipped cream gently and spoon into the chocolate crust.
Drizzle with melted chocolate spread, peanut butter, caramel and decorate with chopped chocolate bars.
*Baking blind refers to the process of placing baking paper inside the lined tart tin the filling the tart with baking beads, beans or rice to weigh it down and prevent the pastry from puffing up. 

Katelyn Williams
Serves 10-12

Chocolate pastry
¼ cup cocoa, plus extra for dusting
185g cake flour
125g Stork Bake, chilled and cubed
½ cup icing sugar
3 egg yolks
2 tbsp ice cold water

Peanut butter mousse filling
1 cup chocolate spread
170g smooth cream cheese
¾ cup icing sugar
1 tsp salt
1 ¼ cups smooth peanut butter
1 tbsp vanilla
2 cups cream, whipped stiffly

To decorate
Chocolate spread, melted
Smooth peanut butter, melted
Caramel sauce (optional)
Chopped chocolate peanut butter bars


Place the cocoa, flour, margarine and icing sugar in a food processor and process until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Gradually add the egg yolks and water to form a dough.
Flatten into a disc, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Roll the pastry out to 3mm thick and line a 24cm loose-bottomed tart tin, trimming the edges and prick the base with a fork.
Refrigerate again for 30 minutes then bake blind* at 180C for 15 minutes, remove the paper and weights and bake for another 10-15 minutes until crisp.
Allow to cool.
Spread the base with the chocolate spread.
Make the filling by beating the cream cheese, icing sugar and salt until fluffy then beat in the peanut butter and vanilla.
Fold in the whipped cream gently and spoon into the chocolate crust.
Drizzle with melted chocolate spread, peanut butter, caramel and decorate with chopped chocolate bars.

*Baking blind refers to the process of placing baking paper inside the lined tart tin the filling the tart with baking beads, beans or rice to weigh it down and prevent the pastry from puffing up.

How To Store Your Garlic, Onions And Shallots So They Can Last For Months

How To Store Your Garlic, Onions And Shallots So They Can Last For Months

1. Make sure onions, garlic etc are firm and blemish free.
2. Use brown lunch paper bags.
3. Hole punch.
4. Paper clips for holding bags closed.

How to make:
1. Punch the bags.  You can do this any way you wish, even randomly all about the upper half of the bags.  Typically holes are punched by folding the bag a few times and then punching in a row, spacing the punches an inch or so apart.  Another method would be to fold the bag in half lengthwise, punch along one edge, flip the folded bag over and punch along the other edge, approximately 1" between punches.  It by no means needs to be perfect, simply punch holes for ventilation.  The result is multiple rows of holes.
2. Fill the bag up to half full (just below or at first punched holes), fold over the top, label it and paper clip it to hold the top down."

How To Store Your Garlic, Onions And Shallots So They Can Last For Months

1. Make sure onions, garlic etc are firm and blemish free.
2. Use brown lunch paper bags....
3. Hole punch.
4. Paper clips for holding bags closed.

How to make:
1. Punch the bags. You can do this any way you wish, even randomly all about the upper half of the bags. Typically holes are punched by folding the bag a few times and then punching in a row, spacing the punches an inch or so apart. Another method would be to fold the bag in half lengthwise, punch along one edge, flip the folded bag over and punch along the other edge, approximately 1" between punches. It by no means needs to be perfect, simply punch holes for ventilation. The result is multiple rows of holes.
2. Fill the bag up to half full (just below or at first punched holes), fold over the top, label it and paper clip it to hold the top down."

Black Forest Gateau

Black Forest Gateau ~ Expresso Show

Recipe by Zola Nene


For the sponge:

5 eggs

140g castor

75g flour

28g cocoa

38g corn flour

1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda

2ml vanilla essence

25g melted butter


    Line two baking sheets with baking paper and preheat oven to 180C.
    Whisk together the eggs and the castor sugar together until pale and fluffy.
    Sift flour, cocoa, corn flour and bicarbonate together.
    Fold dry ingredients into egg mix gently to incorporate.
    Add the vanilla and butter and fold in.
    Divide the batter into the lined sheet pans and bake until the sponge is springy to the touch (about 15 – 20 minutes).


Tip: This can also be baked in a regular round cake tin then cut into layers once cooled.


For the Ganache:

280g chocolate, chopped

250ml cream

28g butter


    Place cream and butter into a pot and bring to the boil.
    Pour the hot liquid over the chocolate and stir until melted.
    Leave to cool completely.


To assemble:

Black cherries preserved in sugar syrup (strained and liquid reserved)

4 Tbs cherry liqueur (optional)

250ml cream

Fresh cherries with stems for garnish (use maraschino cherries if fresh not available)

Chocolate shavings


    Cut each cooled cake sheet in two halves (this will give you the four layers to the gateau).
    Mix together the reserved cherry liquid and the cherry liqueur. If using.
    Brush liquid onto the first sponge layer then place onto serving plate. 
    Whisk together ½ the cream and cooled ganache to soft peaks to form the chocolate cream.
    Pipe a layer of chocolate cream onto the first sponge layer then dot on some preserved cherries.
    Place another sponge on top and repeat layering until you get to the top layer.
    Decorate top with more piped chocolate cream, chocolate shavings and cherries.
    Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before slicing and serving.

For the sponge:


5 eggs
140g castor
75g flour
28g cocoa
38g corn flour
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
2ml vanilla essence
25g melted butter


Line two baking sheets with baking paper and preheat oven to 180C.
Whisk together the eggs and the castor sugar together until pale and fluffy.
Sift flour, cocoa, corn flour and bicarbonate together.
Fold dry ingredients into egg mix gently to incorporate.
Add the vanilla and butter and fold in.
Divide the batter into the lined sheet pans and bake until the sponge is springy to the touch (about 15 – 20 minutes).

Tip: This can also be baked in a regular round cake tin then cut into layers once cooled.

For the Ganache:


280g chocolate, chopped
250ml cream
28g butter


Place cream and butter into a pot and bring to the boil.
Pour the hot liquid over the chocolate and stir until melted.
Leave to cool completely.

To assemble:

Black cherries preserved in sugar syrup (strained and liquid reserved)
4 Tbs cherry liqueur (optional)
250ml cream
Fresh cherries with stems for garnish (use maraschino cherries if fresh not available)
Chocolate shavings

Cut each cooled cake sheet in two halves (this will give you the four layers to the gateau).
Mix together the reserved cherry liquid and the cherry liqueur. If using.
Brush liquid onto the first sponge layer then place onto serving plate.
Whisk together ½ the cream and cooled ganache to soft peaks to form the chocolate cream.
Pipe a layer of chocolate cream onto the first sponge layer then dot on some preserved cherries.
Place another sponge on top and repeat layering until you get to the top layer.
Decorate top with more piped chocolate cream, chocolate shavings and cherries.
Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before slicing and serving.

Hazelnut Meringue Cake

Hazelnut Meringue Cake
5 egg whites, at room temperature
1 cup fine sugar
2/3 cup ground hazelnuts, lightly toasted
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1 1/2 cups whipping cream
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp Hazelnut liqueur (Frangelico)
10 oz (315g) dark chocolate
1 cup ground hazelnuts
15 whole hazelnuts, toasted

1. Preheat oven to 200F/100C.
2. Line the bottom of a baking sheet whit parchment paper. Trace four 4x8 inch (10x20 cm)rectangles. Turn paper over.
3. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add sugar, 1 tbsp at a time, until sugar is dissolved and beat until stiff peaks.
4. Process hazelnuts in a blender and gently fold into meringue.
5. Divide and spoon the mixture onto rectangles. Spread evenly. Bake for 11/2 - 2 hours until lightly browned and dry. Allow to cool.
6. To make the filling, beat whipping cream and sugar until stiff peaks form. Add liqueur.
7. Melt chocolate in double boiler. Spread 2/3 of the chocolate over meringue rectangles. Refrigerate for a few minutes to set the chocolate. Spread remaining chocolate over other side of 3 rectangles and place again in a frige. Place fourth rectangle (with only one side chocolate covered)uncovered side down on a serving plate and spread over the filling. Top with second rectangle and spread the filling. Repeat with other meringue and filling. Cover sides and top with filling and ground hazelnuts.
8. Decorate with melted chocolate and whole hazelnuts.


5 egg whites, at room temperature
1 cup fine sugar
2/3 cup ground hazelnuts, lightly toasted...
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1 1/2 cups whipping cream
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp Hazelnut liqueur (Frangelico)
10 oz (315g) dark chocolate
1 cup ground hazelnuts
15 whole hazelnuts, toasted


1. Preheat oven to 200F/100C.
2. Line the bottom of a baking sheet whit parchment paper. Trace four 4x8 inch (10x20 cm)rectangles. Turn paper over.
3. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add sugar, 1 tbsp at a time, until sugar is dissolved and beat until stiff peaks.
4. Process hazelnuts in a blender and gently fold into meringue.
5. Divide and spoon the mixture onto rectangles. Spread evenly. Bake for 11/2 - 2 hours until lightly browned and dry. Allow to cool.
6. To make the filling, beat whipping cream and sugar until stiff peaks form. Add liqueur.
7. Melt chocolate in double boiler. Spread 2/3 of the chocolate over meringue rectangles. Refrigerate for a few minutes to set the chocolate. Spread remaining chocolate over other side of 3 rectangles and place again in a frige. Place fourth rectangle (with only one side chocolate covered)uncovered side down on a serving plate and spread over the filling. Top with second rectangle and spread the filling. Repeat with other meringue and filling. Cover sides and top with filling and ground hazelnuts.
8. Decorate with melted chocolate and whole hazelnuts.


250g macaroni, cooked, as per instruction on packet

100g butter

1 garlic clove, chopped

10ml origanum

35g (60 ml) cake flour

300ml milk

100g (250 ml) Mature Cheddar Cheese, grated

100g (250 ml) Gouda Cheese, grated

250ml biltong powder

Salt and pepper to taste

6 sundried tomatoes, soaked in water and sliced

50g (125 ml) Mature Cheddar Cheese, grated (extra)

Biltong slices to garnish (optional)

Preheat oven to 180 C.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the garlic and origanum for 3 minutes. Add the flour and mix to form a paste.

Add the milk a little at a time, stirring well after each addition to prevent sauce from forming lumps.

Add the biltong powder and season to taste.

Mix the sauce with the cooked macaroni and spoon into greased oven bowl.

Arrange the sliced sundried tomatoes on top.

Sprinkle with extra cheese and bake for 30 minutes until done.

Serves 4-6

Bacon, Cheese and Corn Pasta Bake

• 200 gram Lean bacon, chopped
• 750 millilitre Frozen corn
• 1 Onion, chopped
• 1 Box KNORR Mince Mate Smoky Bacon & Cheddar flavour
• 800 millilitre Warm water
• 250 gram Finely grated cheddar cheese
1. Preheat oven to 180°C
2. In a large pot fry the onion and bacon until onion is soft
3. Stir in the KNORR Mince Mate Smoky Bacon & Cheddar flavour seasoning mix, pasta and water
4. Cook until pasta is soft, then stir in the corn and half the cheese
5. Place in a greased ovenproof dish
6. Top with remaining cheese
7. Bake at 180°C for 10 minutes or until cheese has melted.